I am back at work and its a very quiet day indeed so far ... I took leave on monday and tuesday and yestrday came home around 9am from my sis place and was shocked to see my doormat been folded and the first thought was oh the cleaner came to wash the corridor but to my horror when I unfold it aiyo ada taik kucing .... masam nya bau ... some naughty stray cat must have taken the lift to the 7th floor and let go since the occupier not around.... satu kerja mencuci corridor pulak.
I start doing my my billings ....

the no ending job for that extra

end up with back ache sitting for long period.Stop to dish a simple lunch and its this ..........

Mee soup with prawns and squid ... no vege at all and I use the chciken bones from my tanghoon goreng last week for the broth
cikmilah ni dia mee yh I kata when we YM yesterday.... once a while its nice to have soupy things.

I did this baby cap for winter ...

the one before was for my darling and since I have balance yarn it was enough to knit it for my
little darling ... nanti grandma pos ye.

This munchies was just given by my bos who went to Jakrta for seminar during the weekend singkong BBQ just nice for raya haji.....hehe
I am now busy knitting for baby set to send to someone who is due end of January and hopefully to complete them before I go on leave ... sabar ye yang menanti tu akan sampai benda2 ni soon.
till my next entry ................
Ada lagi untuk darling kecik tu, thanks..susah2 je akak ,dia dah 6.3kg a bit obesiti kata doktor..heheh.
Potato chips sekali sekala makan sedapnya , tadi rasa dah nak beli tapi tak jadi .
hopefully muat cap tu badan besar nanti kepala pun besar kan?
singkong tu dr ubu kayu kot dan flavour BBQ ... boss bagi amek lah kan...
alahai....mee tu, mengancamlah pulak, sejuk-sejuk kat office ni, laparr.
Kak Elle, bila nak on leave for the US holidays?
Mmmmmm ... memanglah, sejuk2 kat office ne, tengok your mee soup rasa laparlah.
Sedapnya mee soup tu..camana ni, hujan dah reda banjir pun dah surut tapi badan I jugak yg tak surut...tengok apa je semua nak makan....
Itu little darling nanti macho nampak pakai black and grey...
Hujan ye di sana? ok mlm bolih lah makan mee soup tu ye...hehe
leaving on 22nd Dec and back on 10th Jan...tak sabar nak main ngan Will...
oh oh byk org dah mengidamkan mee soup skg:)
hujan juga di Penang ye?wow banjir lagi ingat Venice aje air melimpah...hahaha
yes my little darling will look more hensem pakai itew winter cap..warna pun gloomy ek?
Kak...Mee sup tu mengiurkan...lapar lah pulak...
Bila akak nak terbang ke US?
masak mee tu nanti ye ni musim2 hujan syiok makan soup panas kan?
saya berangkat on 22nd Dec Anie tak sabar gomol si Will hensem tu...hehe
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