A parcel was waiting for me when I went to work yesterday....it arrived the day before and its by pos laju!!sent on sunday arrived on thursday laju ke tu?.... hehe

For breakfast this morning I make mee rebus as above now waiting the princesses to wake up and its already 10am .... dunno what time they got in last night probably beyond the curfew time.They are old enough I don't need to remind them and they should know the do's and don'ts staying at someone's place :) ....hehe .... I told them that I am writing this in my blog .... they just laugh.

The parcel that was waiting for me when I got back to work today from wanmommy .......

Sebuah kotak kasut with message as above ..... aha not a pair of shoes but ...........

Dates chocolate that I love ..... thank you wanmommy and tokdaddy :)
For breakfast this morning I make mee rebus as above now waiting the princesses to wake up and its already 10am .... dunno what time they got in last night probably beyond the curfew time.They are old enough I don't need to remind them and they should know the do's and don'ts staying at someone's place :) ....hehe .... I told them that I am writing this in my blog .... they just laugh.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
nak semangkuk mee tu, lapar ni, belum breakfast.
rajinnya kak, tetamu dah balikkan?
naik baik dah breakfirst..kalau tak nak juga oder mee rebus singapore.. hehe
nak la mee rebus tu.. sedapnya nampak.. kak elle ada resepi dia kat blog resepi tak? nanti neeza check dulu..
hahaha.. the dont's of staying at someone's place.. menarik tu.. ;)
menggoda la mee rebus tu~semua orang nak!!!
mai lah akak bagi 2 mangkok pun bolih.
tapi nak breakfast lagi pun bolih kan?
ada kat dapurkakelle resipe tu..cuba ye?
budak2 ni kena sound sikit neeza ni rumah kakaelle takpe kalau di buat kat rumah orang lain yg berkeluarga kan malu...hehe...mereka faham maksud akak afterall I told them what I am writing.
hehe cikmilah pun mengendeng ke?
mom...dun tell my other mom too okay...hehehhe..nanti kena piat telinga...
bagi i telepon number dia...hahaha
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