Whilst the girls still in slumberland ... I start doing breakfast fried nasi goreng kampong with left over rice from raya haji,microwaved ikan bilis and left over sambal tumis also from tuesday's lunch,grilled hotdogs and microwaved poach eggs ... asal malas nak mengoreng.

My poached eggs using the poach tray just microwaved for 1.5 minutes but you have to poke the egg yokes ya so it won't explode ... well they enjoyed the nasi goreng of course.

During breakfast I gave them a small souvenir to bring home ... can see their surprise faces and they keep saying'ala kak elle dah bagi tinggal ngan kakell dah cukup ... kenapa susah2 ni?'....hahaha ... ala benda kecik aje.

At 11am we proceed to the Science Centre and thats where Mas school classmate works (the one who gave them the magic pass to tourisy attractions) .... apa lagi masuk free lah so we spent about an hour there as I have to be at my ex clinic main branch at 1pm but ofcourse we were delayed as usual.

During breakfast I gave them a small souvenir to bring home ... can see their surprise faces and they keep saying'ala kak elle dah bagi tinggal ngan kakell dah cukup ... kenapa susah2 ni?'....hahaha ... ala benda kecik aje.

At 11am we proceed to the Science Centre and thats where Mas school classmate works (the one who gave them the magic pass to tourisy attractions) .... apa lagi masuk free lah so we spent about an hour there as I have to be at my ex clinic main branch at 1pm but ofcourse we were delayed as usual.

Oh bulat nya mukaa saya dan bedak putih melepak lagi.......

We are just the excited children cam-whoring as usual 'klik sana klik sini' ... saya tak banyak yg banyak si Dodie tu semua nya nak amek.

Our lunch at Sakura - Far East Plaza and thats what we had ... both Dodie and me had beef horfun,Emi the fried kwayteow with cockles and Mas the chicken wantan noodle and soup....wanna to know what happen notti Mas paksa Emi bagi her lunch to her because she doesn't like her wantan chicken noodle .... hey budak sorang ni kan ... poor Emi mengalah juga...she craves for the cockles fried kwayteow when she is at Chad Republic working ni Mas dah potong jalan lak .... when we were at FEPlaza someone ask me if the girls are my daughters???? ait do I look that old????.....hahahha .....after the lunch we went over to my ex working place to hand them the invoices that I did the billings and followed by window shopping we went from M&S then to Tangs and from there we dispersed ... the 3 girls went to Bugis whilst poor me shop alone as Idon't fancy walking malas actually. I browse at Tangs and bought a pair of Clarks sandal.

My purchases .... ooo .... now sape yg bershopping ni?The biscuits in the double decker is so cute and I bought it at S$35/- and will give it to Will when I see him.

Close up view for cikmilah to admire dia kata kat Penang mahal sampai RM$400-600/- tu saya beli S$102/-

In the evening I met the girls at the Bukit Gombak station and we proceed for dinner at 7.30pm at Bukit Panjang Plaza.Dinner with Shalin (Mas's friend yg bagi pass to them) and her 2 boys.Our dinner at Swensen ... Mas and Dodie's treat ... thank you girls.

We are just the excited children cam-whoring as usual 'klik sana klik sini' ... saya tak banyak yg banyak si Dodie tu semua nya nak amek.

Our lunch at Sakura - Far East Plaza and thats what we had ... both Dodie and me had beef horfun,Emi the fried kwayteow with cockles and Mas the chicken wantan noodle and soup....wanna to know what happen notti Mas paksa Emi bagi her lunch to her because she doesn't like her wantan chicken noodle .... hey budak sorang ni kan ... poor Emi mengalah juga...she craves for the cockles fried kwayteow when she is at Chad Republic working ni Mas dah potong jalan lak .... when we were at FEPlaza someone ask me if the girls are my daughters???? ait do I look that old????.....hahahha .....after the lunch we went over to my ex working place to hand them the invoices that I did the billings and followed by window shopping we went from M&S then to Tangs and from there we dispersed ... the 3 girls went to Bugis whilst poor me shop alone as I

My purchases .... ooo .... now sape yg bershopping ni?The biscuits in the double decker is so cute and I bought it at S$35/- and will give it to Will when I see him.
Close up view for cikmilah to admire dia kata kat Penang mahal sampai RM$400-600/- tu saya beli S$102/-

In the evening I met the girls at the Bukit Gombak station and we proceed for dinner at 7.30pm at Bukit Panjang Plaza.Dinner with Shalin (Mas's friend yg bagi pass to them) and her 2 boys.Our dinner at Swensen ... Mas and Dodie's treat ... thank you girls.
End of day 3 ... today day 4 I am at work and the 2 girls will be meeting Emi to have lunch at her place and then after they gonna boogie the night.... given them a set of keys so that I can sleep BUT they have to be home by 2am otherwise the door will be auto lock ... they are under my care so have to give them curfew time.
Ps they extended their stay and will be flying back tomorrow night from Changi Airport now.... they forfeited their Senai flight tonite ..... $$ down the drain.
Tomorrow we going out again ..................
apalah cerita di sebalik gambar2 ni ya... hehe.. tapi yg pasti ceria dan mengenyangkan perut hehe
happy faces, good food, and a very nice sandal! :)))
kena imagine dulu eh kak...sibuk layan tetamu lah tu..he..he..
tak payah tulis cerita dah bolih agak kan?
betul..happy faces,good food and nice sandal idaman....hehe
bukan sibuk layan tetamu sibuk nak siap pergi kerja...depa2 lagi zzzz
sedapnya makan2 tu..
tapi yang bestnya kasut tu.. nampak sungguh comfy.. clarks kan. memang mahal kat malaysia..
small souvenir tapi very precious kalau orang bagi tau kak elle.. :)
hehe makanan tu mmg sedap tapi small helping masih lapar tau:)
yes K from clarks
its the thoughts that count.
ish.. jadik guests kak elle ni nampak memang seronok la! one day ye kak elle, one day... (*dreamy-eyed*)
Ka...nampaknya akak yang shopping berlebih-lebihan ye..heheheh...akak kita sorang ni memang suka shopping...rasanya semua orang pompuan camtulah ye kak...
mari lah nanti dapat layanan yg sama juga:)
kaum hawa mana yg suka shoppingggggggg.....pantang di ajak tapi kita membeli guna duit sendiri so tak jadi hal kan?
kak, ni baru betul-betul raya sakan.
apa pun enjoy.
sekali2 enjoy dgn yang muda2 bolih tahan gak....hehe
:-) now, i am thinking......bila ni nak ke singapore lagi....
banyak sungguh kenangan manis di sana!
tempat2 yg kak elle certa tu....semua saya tahu dan pernah pergi....
best nya menjadi tetamu kak elle!!!
lucky MAS....hehehe. yes, i know her and she can be so lively gitu kan...
yes Mas and gang very bubbly its nice to be with them they make you feel'young'....hehe
ala you pernah tinggal sini mesti ler tau tempat2 tu...but lots of changes tau:)
ooouhh....bro Id yer Pp tu...ingat kan saper? hahahaha...
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