I had swollen left foot since last night ... I felt slight pain when I was about to leave for home from work and since last evening the pain got worst and by nightfall I can't put it down it throbs very badly.So before bedtime I swallowed 1 tablet of Voltaren SR 75mg and put my foot on a pillow.I slept well without waking up to the washroom at all till 5.30am.
The pain was less then but an hour later it came back and look a bit red and I swallowed another volatren tablet with my breakfast of toasted bread.
I hope for the pain to go away as I need to do marketing to buy stuff for monday .... tomorrow the market will be jam packed .... or maybe even today.
Pain pain go away come againanother day ........ never again.

The pain was less then but an hour later it came back and look a bit red and I swallowed another volatren tablet with my breakfast of toasted bread.
I hope for the pain to go away as I need to do marketing to buy stuff for monday .... tomorrow the market will be jam packed .... or maybe even today.
Pain pain go away come again
Thats where the pain is now and its slightly red too just taken 5 minutes ago ....
what can it be huh? .... tendinitis?? gout??? oh
not that I hope.....ok will wait another half hour hopefully the pain killer help.

update @ 11.45am
The pain subsided a little after an hour so I managed to go down to the market but didn't get to buy much will have to go again tomorrow.
I bought the cray-fish again and this time they are bigger in size ... unfortunately my camera was on a wrong mode so picture is blurrrrrrrr.
At last here it is the cray-fish fried with cili padi/curry leave and rolled in oats.....can't wait for lunch.....
till my next entry..........
Kak Elle,
Aduh, nampak sakit sangat.. Hope you get better soon.
after an hour the subside a little so off to market but couldn't buy much banyak org 2moro go again.
tak sanggup nak tengok kak elle..
neeza dapat rasa berdenyut-denyut tu.. sabar ye kak elle..
apa sebab jadi gitu yek? hopefully bukan lah gout.. sebab.. tengok tu, kak elle makan cray fish lagi.. ;)
tapi nampak sedap la cray fish tu.. besar betul. puas makan :))
nak berjalan jauh ni tak mau le sakit sakit.. semuga cepat sembuh..
tu lah asyik makan sea food aje kan?kalau gout selalu joint pain..
cray fish tu shell aje besar ..isi dia ciput aje.
tu lah flight 27hrs mati kutu di buat nya hopefully ada good movie.
Harap kaki dah okay sikit, memang bengkak betul .
Take care and get well soon!!
salam kembali ... dah nak bertolak ye?
bila duduk atau rehat ok cuma berjalan rasa denyut nya...saya telan aje pain killer.
take care ek kak elle..risau sy tgk kaki sis tu..jgn renyah2 sgt ek.speedy recovery,nak2 ni nak gi makan angin kan.
#eppy sweet bday to the sweet 17 girl...manisss gitu!
tu lah takut pulak 27jam flight kaki bengkak balik....
ok skg dah tengok cray fish tu kan tak joget2 lagi dlm freezer...hehe
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