Pictures I took from the transit lounge see the snow an dthats my Singapore Airline getting ready to take us off to USA.

After Houston it was a 4 hrs drive to San Antonio and we meet up with my niece Kristina and Robert for dinner at a mexican restaurant and I had rice with beans. Then its another hour driving to Kerville and by the time I reach my sis place it was almost 11pm.

This is the guest room where I will be sleeping the next 15 days ..... only last evening I felt the jetlag....it was at 5.30pm and I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and my sis and bil forced me to stay awake as if I were to sleep I will wake up at 2am ... so John start the grill and BBQ salmon and sweet potatoes.....we had it at garden patio but it was brrrrrrrrrrrrrr sejuk lah.

We had an open fire whilst eating our dinner and soon after I went to bed and got up at 1.30am.....
This morning was cold too and thats me infront the fire place but adoi I need a haircut lah.

We had an uninvited guest .... anak rusa nani ngah cari makan...
salam...all the way from kl pulak...
enjoy yourself kak...
See, the red jacket in action!
More stories...pease...
Mana Will, dah jumpa?
amboiiii.... jauhnye membawak diri... kiss kat anak buah akak yang cute tu...
jangan lupa jalan pulang udah lerrrr.. hekhekhek
Terasa jauhnya akak .... nak jugak tido kat katil empuk tu, memang sah tempat Queen L beradu :)
letak gambo lagi ye bila dah pulih dari jetlag .
Kak...alhamdulillah dah selamat sampai...seronoknya tgk gambar2 akak...
Enjoy yourself kak....
dah di KL ye?
ala cian nya dah ada yg rindu pulak...hehehe
pink jacket ke red?..hahaha
need the break:)
jom mai sini kita tido atas king size bed ni...haha
dah dtg jauh2 mesti lah enjoy kan.
Kak Elle,
I will call you tonight... Wah, bestnya dah sampai ke USA...
Syukur dah selamat sampai....enjoy yourselves okay...
Teringat.."anak rusa nani baru kembang ekor..apa salah kami....????"
My guests will be leaving me today...sob..sob..
I'll be waiting:)
kejap nya kan your guests nak pindah hotel...hehe
Hope they enjoyed their stay.
bestnya dah sampai states!! comelnya anak rusa tu...
dan comfynya tempat beradu kak elle ;)
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