Soon after breakfast we sat and pot pet pot pet again till around 11.30am since we decide not to go to the Science Centre again I suggested I bring them to IMM as I want to get stuff from Daiso....
Here's Mas and me waiting for a cab ... the cam-whoring begins.........
Once we reached our destination the girls kept asking me why don't I bring them here before as $$$ running out......hahaha .... hey not my fault huh you girls have heavy progs rite?
ok ok they don't believe that anything in that store from Japan are only at $2/- well you can guess they go ga-ga and bought basketful of stuff.
Then we had lunch @ Bagus its a halal food court and we shared our meals of chicken rice,seafood pasta,fried charkwayteow and dumpling soup.... a very satisfying lunch indeed.
We then headed for home as they have to pack their bags and be at Emi's place for dinner there after to the airport for their flight home.
Whilst queing for the cab home as usual lah camwhoring again .... I guess we are just like mother and daughters as someone ask me at Far East Plaza.....hahaha
Before they left we took some pictures .... see how vain we are .... hehehe

Also these Bengawan Solo cookies .... theirs to keep:)
Then its hugging time and goodbye .......

Taken from my 7th floor apartment .......bye-bye
The cab that will bring them to Tampines and then Changi Airport ...... they came with 1 luggage each and went home with those ..............
Sayonara girls and hope to see you girls again ...... we laugh,we jokes,we condemn each other bad habits but we meant no harm .... as much as you enjoyed your stay I too enjoyed having you girls the last 5 days.
Take care and keep in touch.
Some of the pictures at Sentosa are from their cameras during their stay here at my humble pigeon hole.
till my next entry............
whoarrr......wa caya sama uols lah!!
begitu mesra sana sini...begitu heppy2 together2....
byk tu shopping!!!
hehe ....its fun fun fun having them ... jgn jeles ah:)
shopping when its cheaper here than KL funny rite we go KL to shop instead.
nampak cam sebaya jer macma adik beradik..
Kak...diorang betul2 memborong ye...seronok dpt tinggal rumah kak elle...then kak elle masak pulak sedap2...heheh
They really enjoy their stay there...
huhuuu... sedihnya diorang dah balik.. sure kak elle sunyi kejap.. tapi takpe, relax sikit and boleh get full energy back utk gomol Will kan!
Murahnya barang from Japan SD2 aje? wahhh.. kena pergi tu nanti hehehe..
do u know Dodie call me mak tau...since the day that lady ask if they are my daughters....haha
ni saya masih tunggu anie datang pulak...kalau yg muda make me happy agak bila anie dtg bergegah rumah ni...hahaha
neeza ...
semua benda ada akhir nya kan?its ok we are now closer after meeting each other banyak yg kita belajar from each other:)
mmg murah neeza kat Daiso tu.
seronok tengok seme nya enjoy...
mesti lah enjoy kita ketawa dan mengutuk sesama...yg baik kita buat contoh dan jgn tak elok tu kita singkirkan....hahaha.....
Kak elle sibuk layan tetamu rupanya...
Tentu rindu bila mereka dah pergi, kan...
sunyi tapi ada tanteebagai teman sampai my sis balik next week.
I'm back... ingatkan kami je having fun, akak pun sama bukan main lagi having fun :)
Hope you like the dates , tak sempat nak bungkus dalam kotak cantik sebab dah nak balik kampung .
salam oh dah selamat sampai ye ... tu lah awak enjoy ngan cikmilah saya enjoy dgn yg muda2 yg bolih jadi my daughters:)
no problem 50% chcocolate dah masuk perut...thank you.
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