It is a full flight and I hope the seat I have will be empty in the middle there's someone on the other isle seat.I prefer an isle seat for easy going to the washroom and I am on the 3rd row from the front.If I don't checkin today I guess I will get the last row near the galley.
I hope the passengers will get off in Moscow so I can have the whole 3 seats in a row for that long flight to Houston.Maria will be waiting for me and we'll drive straight back to Kerville where they live and its another 4 hrs drive on the motorway.Just imagine 27 hrs flight plus 4 more hours on the road!!! Poor Maria and John will have to leave early to drive to Houston and drive back again.Thank you so much for all the trouble guys.
suka juga guna SIA sebab dapat check in onlinekan. Makanan pun sedap juga, tapikan kak sekarang ni kalau transit kat changi lama lah pulak. Depa nak suruh jalan2 atau stay sana dulu agaknya.
27 jam tu lamanya, 8 jam pun dah naik rimas, itupun nasib kalau dapat lelap ye.
Kak Elle...dah berkobar2 dah ni...heheheh
Semoga akak selamat sampai ke destinasi...dan enjoy the holidays
All set. Hve a great vacation.
Ingat lagi pergi US dulu.. bengkak b*nt*t rasanya hehehe.. sehari lebih tu. letih betul. Sesampai kat sana, sure kak elle jet lag :)
happy holiday kak elle :)
oh dear, lamaaaaaanya! enjoy your trip n take care kak elle!
zany selalu pergi mana naik SQ?tapi transit launch not bad kan?
mcm malas nak pergi kslsu ingstksn the hrs di awang2an...
almost all set cikmilah...
mmg penat duduk lama2 dlm long flight.
thank u:)
Ingatkan tak ada updet lagi..rupa2nya ada lagi..
he..he..dah terasa rindu kat akak walau updet dah 2 kali..
take care and have an enjoyable vacation!
Have a safe journey, Kak Elle. Hopefully your seat-neighbour will be someone interesting!!
insya'allah kalau ada masa saya update lagi.
ni dah 2 mlm kat rumah Aini nak sama2 sebelum saya bertolak dia pun baru balik dr Perth dan selasa akan ke HK pulak.
TQ...hopefully someone I can get along and single....hahahaha
Selamat Jalan Kak Elle, we look forward to your return to blogger & blogging ok, hv tons of fun ; ) Thx for the shop recommendation, tahun depan Mush serbu that shop heheheh where's the shop exactly kak Elle, nanti bagi add ok. take care, happy new year kak elle, we wish u success and great health for 2009.... and alot of travel opportunities ; )
thank u for the good wishes...
Spotlight used to be at Orchard Point but have moved to Plaza Singapura now I think its on the 4th floor same as Daiso.
A blessed 2009 to you too:)
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