I spent the whole day in my room knitting away as I am rushing for time and at same time trying to finish my billings too unfortunately I can't use my working hours to do the billing as its unfair to do that.This morning I bought putu mayam for the 3 girls and that was my lunch too ... malas nak keluar and malas nak bawa bekal dr rumah asal tak masak.
In the afternoon around 3pm Liza came to my room with not 1 but 2 parcels for me from dear friends .... oh dear its not even christmas yet neither its my birthday but nevertheless thank you so much for the presents.

My first parcel is from wanmommy the book Meniti Hari Esok ... maybe I will read it on board the plane afterall I have 27 hours to kill during the flight.Thank you Puan Sarina you make my day:)
My second parcel ..................

from ummi365 who is now away on holiday with the children .....

In the afternoon around 3pm Liza came to my room with not 1 but 2 parcels for me from dear friends .... oh dear its not even christmas yet neither its my birthday but nevertheless thank you so much for the presents.

My first parcel is from wanmommy the book Meniti Hari Esok ... maybe I will read it on board the plane afterall I have 27 hours to kill during the flight.Thank you Puan Sarina you make my day:)
My second parcel ..................

from ummi365 who is now away on holiday with the children .....
Its the blue roses bag that matches my cushion .... and the bag is reversable so I can use both ways.To ummi thank you too for the lovely handy bag and maybe I will bring it with me to the states so I can put my novels on board the plane plus my baby lappie.
Its the wonder of cyber world you get to meet so many people and most of all wonderful people that some we haven't even met and yet we are so close.
Lets hope our friendship will be ever lasting insya'allah.
till my nexct entry ...........
Wah! dapat parcel...best gak.
Okaylah...selamat berehat. Tie nak tido...dah kul 11.
mmg best bila terima hadiah...
nak tido dah habis ke mengodeh2 tu...hehe
Kak Elle, I quite like the blue roses bag. Cantik eh...At home I mmg tengah gila anything roses...
uwaaa....saya nak beg tu, tetiba tengok Ummi update dah sold out.. ini rupanya cik puan empunya....Beg tu memeng cantik.
ait dah tukar plak bukan sunflower lagik now roses ye?
kebetulan cushion tu almost similar in design bab tu ummi present kat I:)
lain kali kena cepat2 kalau lambat melepas kan?...nanti suruh ummi jahit lagi...hehe
Kak Elle,
Memang matching sangat that bag with your chair pad. What a co-incidence eh..!!!
yes very matching indeed kan?
27 jam.... memang mati kutu dibuatnya... selamat membaca !!
cantik beg ummi tu, I tunggu I punya pulak .
balik holiday kang dia jahit ler...
bestnya dapat hadiah... nak jugak!!! hehee..
nak ye tunggu xmas nanti santa clause bagi ok...hehe
nampak nya semua dah ready nak terbang...selamat bercuti.. jangan lupa lapuran dari semasa ke semasa.. hehe
belom beres lagi duit pun belum tukar lagi satu benda lom buat .. buah tangan nak bawa pun belum di beli lagi...insya'allah kalau ada masa saya akan buat laporan.
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