My little helper Sophie just love her blue eyes ... she is Joanna Mcdonald little girl who just came back from school.
Here's big chef and little chef posing after the hardwork .... hahaha

Busy at work .........

Some pictures of the students ..... the last bottom 2 are from China making their own style omelette ....

The end result of the nasi lemak ....... the chicken I just grill them in the oven ... malas nak goreng2 .... hehehe ... no omelette on my plate .... as the students used up all the eggs.

Some pictures of the students ..... the last bottom 2 are from China making their own style omelette ....
The end result of the nasi lemak ....... the chicken I just grill them in the oven ... malas nak goreng2 .... hehehe ... no omelette on my plate .... as the students used up all the eggs.
After the nasi lemak they were talking of other recipes ... looks like aunty nurse will be stuck teaching them cooking.
kak elle.
Yummy! saya lapar benar ni. Hari tu dah terliur mee rebus.. hari ni nasi lemak pulak!
Bravo aunty nurse..!! Hmmm...memang diorang enjoy kelas memasak aunty nurse...hehehe...
Comel pembantu kecil tu...
labuh betul apron chef kecik tu....
sedap nampak nasi lemak tu...
lapar ye jom makan sama...hehe
tak jadi cikgu sepenuh nya pun dah cukup kan jadi cikgu gourmet...hahaha
Sophie baru 4 tahun aje balik sekolah terus di hantar ke sekolah mak nya..
apron org dewasa mmg lah labuh kan?
Aunty Nurse, nak enrol kelas cooking jugak boleh ke??
*drooling on the nasi lemak... yummy!!!
besarnya apron little chef tu hehe..
Hi Kak Elle! Looks like being a nurse is not your only profession! Yummy nasi lemak ..... nak sikit! So what else will you be teaching them after this?
I'll send my little Missy to you soon....belajar masak!
yest after the class I was offered a domestic science class....hehehe
hoo hoo Ithink u make a better gourmet teacher than me:)
maybe I am in the wrong profession kot...haha
Kak Elle,
That blue eyes little girl is so cute...
Wah, dah jadi Cikgu Sains Rumah Tangga ya...
patutlah semalam masa kat hospital i terbau2 je nasi lemak.. sungguh harum bau nasi lemak singapore sampai ke kl tu... cayalah kak elle.
yes she is very cute just like Emma cheeky
asal ada kat hospital smlm?pergi physio ke?
Syoknya jadi chef, anak murid cilik tu comelnya .
Bagus kelas masak tu, dapat anak2 tu belajar masak makanan tempatan.
Welldone Chef Elle !!
( kena pakai topi chef yang tinggi tu..hihi )
sekali2 jadi cikgu best jugak...hehe
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