It was a very hot day indeed ... I did my rounds in dark glasses and in civilian outfits that some don't recognise me .... few injuries and 1 had need referral to hospital with dislocation shoulder after a game of gladiator.....actually some of the games are quite dangerous in my opinion.
Fresh bread on sale.... I bought muffins and lemon cake .....
Rodeo ride another dangerous game when one fall ............
The best of all dunk them into the tank of water .... principals,vice principals and teachers got dunked over and over again ......
By the time I got home I was so tired and the sad part I didn't get to watch the rock bands contest .......
and neither did I win any .......... uwaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh ......
Today sunday we went to my cousin daughter's wedding at Pasir Ris in the east ....... another hot day that it gives you a headache ....... food was ok .... but buffet table too far and malas nak go second round for desserts ...... drank so much ........
Pengantin 2 sejoli .... they both met whilst studying in Australia.
With my aunt Ju who came down from Darwin for the wedding ...........
What we enjoyed most was listening to nostalgic songs with traditional music .......
The taping wasn't that good due to the crowd talking ....
hoo hoo Huda if you reading this can you confirm if that guy singing is your neighbour?...
di sini pun tersangatlah panas, air berliter2 masuk perut.
salam aunty..wahhh so happening aaa kenduri kat sana yaa..I like ehehe
terlalu panas...pening kepala..
salam juga dr aunty..majlis hari ni sgt happening esp with traditional music.
Saya sejak 2/3 hari ni mandi 4/5 kali sehari, memang panas sangat , berpeluh buat keje rumah.
Tak de rezeki nak ikut akak ke HK ....hihi.
mmg panas sekali nasib baik kerja duduk dlm aircond room:)
tu lah yg menang our IT staff yg lagi satu orang luar.
blackberry 2 students yg dapat.
eh! sama macam event yang sekolah sophea and coan buat baru2 ni.. untuk charity jugak..
kak elle, bila tengok "nyonya kuih" signage tu kan, neeza teringat kat...... Little Nyonya!!!! hehehe..
i think all international school ada same events..for charity.
hehe masih teringat kat yuniang eh?
Adoi panas! cair make-up! Mana gambar Aunty Nurse pakai sun-glasess tu.. haha!@
Panas-panas ni rasa nak duduk diam dlm rumah jer kan! Tapi kena juga attend maajis...
sekarang kan kak elle, bila neeza masak kat dapur, selalu rasa diri macam yuniang @juxiang hehee.. perasan.. hahah!!
meriah kenduri tu.. zino dah dua kali terlepas kenduri sedara kat SG.. jauh dan memikir belanja tu hehe
skg tak yah guna liquid foundation lagi guarantee cair.....hehe tak mbermakeup muka nampakn cantik juga dlm gambar...hahahhaha
buat kuih tu elok2 mcm yuniang ye..haha
lah sampai kebelanja pulak nak mai kenduri pucuk pangkal hadir bersama di majlis.
cantik lah songkok yg dipakai penyanyi tu,eheh.. :)
Yea la BP pun sgt panas.. satu hari berkali kali mandi..
Kenduri kahwin di SPore.. seronok juga.
wah.. what a hectic weekend.. same goes with mine.. too tired to even mengadap computer.. tidur lagi syiok..
songkok bukan sembarang songkok itu lah dia songkok tinggi...hehe
malaysia atau singapore agak sama aje meriah nya kan?
hectic and hot tak sempat nak mengadap tv tengok k-drama .. hehe
penat tapi seronok juga kan kak elle..
kat sini pun panas ya amatzz...memalam kena pasang kipas and buka tingkap, baru boleh tidooo..
comelnya pengantin baru, semoga bahagia berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.
mmg terlalu panas skg ni kan?...
ingat tak masa saya pi visit kak elle, ada wedding kan.. seronok la.. sebab lain sikit dari my place..
dear kak elle
your weekend sounds so exciting, i actually MISS going to a traditional malay wedding. I hope someday i can get to go to one with B and Nora. Thx for sharing your weekend with us, we'll be back for more ; ) take care and hope u will get enough rest from your hectic life.
lain negri lain celebration nya ek?
really B hasn't attend any?hmm.... but musim raya mana ada org kawin kan?
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