As of this week I have to be in school by 7.45am due to the Influenza A alert,need to take the students and staff temperature every morning .... very leceh.Any other days I will leave home at 8am but because of this I have to leave home at 6.45am....urgghhhhhh!!
Coming in early doesn't mean I can leave early its still at 6pm so by the time I get home I am just too tired to even blog or 9pm ... I am fast asleep.This will go on for another week or two.

The above is my favourite and have been using it the last 3yrs .... the scent is heaven ... rite Dodie and Ummi ?... haha or anyone else who 'peluk-peluk' me got the smell? and stayed with you all night?... its a bit expensive but I like the purse size canister that fits very well into my bag.All I need is just buy the refill also abit expensive ...... but if you like it why not rite?
hehehe.. now you are showing eh.. see i told you.. your smell i bawa sampai balik rumah tau...
haha wangi kan? kalau I baring2 lagi best my pillows semua smell nice.
waa...mesti harum sakan la sapa2 yang peluk peluk kak elle nie kan...
konon amek berkat dr saya...hehehe
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh i ada kawan.. Ingat saya sorang ajeeee yg mcm nih..
Tak best rasanya kalau tak spary tau.. Daily after bath its a must!! Nanti ajzie tunjuk my collection plak pada kak elle.. ok..... hihi
Sedap2 bauan itu....
selain chanel apa yang sweet baunya?
anak bujang saya pun tengah menggila dengan perfume, maknye ni mula bz body tanya kot2 dah ada GF, he, he.........
yeah ada gang lah:)
maklang ...
semerbak kan?haha
kalau untuk guys saya tak tau tapi my nephew guna DKNY yg bentuk apple tu bau bolih tahan tau.
now I know your nice smell tu perfume apa...that day lepas peluk2 you...kaaannn my MH kata i beli perfume baru ke? I gelak aje...
Kak Elle ... pecah rahsia.. rupanya itu baunya ek?
hehe glad someone else notice the u can ask MH belikan:)
alamak tak rahsia lagi skg...hahaha
Eeemmmmm wanginya n3 ni :)
hmmm.. baru nak teka hari tu,ingatkan Chanel 5..ya.. yr sweet smell lingers....
hahahahahahahaha ............
bukan channel 5 but coco channel mademoiselle...ingat tu nama belakang nya sama ngan kak elle..haha
alamak.. neeza lambat hari ni.. salahkan Yuniang tu ya kak elle.. hehee..
neeza kalau gi memana di malaysia pun selalu spray2 ni.. sampaikan colleague neeza can recogniza kalau neeza lalu kat belakang dia hehe..
tapi kat sini tak boleh sebab nanti bangla / india / afghan ikut neeza balik heheee..
neeza nak muntah kalau duduk dekat i*dian women kat sini (some of them). Faham kot ye.. ;)
masih bergayut ngan Yuniang dgn Xi'er ye?
Recommend kat depa yg bau tu guna semburan wangi....haha
Kak elle...teringat lagi si kecik kata kat anie semasa lalu kat salah sebuah booth perfume...
'Macam bau aunty elle...'...tapi anie tak perasan perfume mana satu...ooohh!! tu rupanya...mahal...patutlah wangi...hehehe
kak Elle,
wah wangi nya kak elle...saya ni pakai yang murah jer..itu pun cepat sangat hilang bau nya.....lain kali kalau kak elle pakai..sembur2 sikit kat saya ya!!!!
wah si kecik tu bolih tahan jugak ye masih ingat bau aunty elle dia...hehe
nak jadi BF aunty kena belikan tu tau....hahahaha
insya'allah bolih tapi bila tu ek?
coco memang sedap... :)
i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvv it..
thanks and yes coca mademoiselle is best.
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