I then just laze around and finally got hook into reading ..............
after 4 hrs I finished reading 'jendela hati' by all time favourite novelist Aisya Sofea .... sebak bila membaca .... but no tears .... controlllllll......hahaha
I am waiting for Aisya other novel now .. it ran out during the book festival 3 wks ago and hope they have re print them.....thank you Aisya for all the good books .... cinta ku tetap pada AF ....
Nora I am watching winter sonata 2nd round but Kang Jun Sang cannot beat AF ...... hehehe .... I love the ski resort and their winter outfits ..... hope to get there one day.
To all mothers out there ......
sedapnya ikan tauchu tu kak elle... sangat menggoda lah..
kat sana publis holiday apa yek?
kak elle, neeza dah habis tengok little nyonya!! hehee..
waaa.. 1st rupanya.. yeay!
sedapnya ikan tauchu tu.
public holiday for vesak day so sekolah ganti back on monday ...hehe ... long weekend.
congrats dapat number 1....tapi hari dah lariiiiiiiiii
masakkan ringkas aje...
BYJ tak boleh lawan AF? Cuba tanya yang empunya diri....AS. Haritu je dia dah jeles with me...You should try to look for another old drama of BYJ - Hotelier...it took me awhile to get away with it.
Your boring day sounds soooo relaxing :)
hahaha hotelier??? nak cari jugakkkkkk....suka tengok dia ngan blonde hair and glasses...kalau tak sepet habis.
yes relaxing but boringggggggggg....hehe
happy mothers' day to you too...
Mesti sedap ikan goreng tauchu tu,lama betul saya tak makan tauchu sebab anak2 ni semua taktau makan.Nak kena masak untuk diri sendiri jugak saya ni , nanti nak cari tauchu .
sama2 ye:)
sekali2 mmg sedap ...hahaha
masak jgn tak masak ye?
salam..happy mother day...may ALLAH bless all mum in this world
Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. ~Marion C. Garretty
thank you even though I am not a mother but I am mother to my siblings and nephews and nieces.
amboi kak elle..masih layan k-drama..mmg sape pun tak leh lawan AF kan..kita tunggu hero terbaru plak..slmt hari Ommani utk seme Omma
Kak elle, who says you are a mother to none? You are wonderfl with the children under your wings and in your care! Have a wonderfl day!
haha lom habis lagi ngan K-drama ulang tayang:)
happy 'omma day:)
ya mother figure to all my students in school and mother to my nieces and nephews:)
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