Our school holiday at ACSInternational from 29th May till 5th July ...... hahaha .... happy..happy.
Today is parents meet teachers session from 8.30am till 6pm .... and prefects are ushers to the parents showing them where to go etc ..... fingers picking food are provided for parents all day.Soon after I arrived at 8.45am an unexpected injury happened ....
One prefect Mariska anak Indonesia fell from the staircase as she was coming down from the hall and one front tooth got dislodge and hanging ... it was a shock for her so you can imagine the cry and chaos ... and thank god her parents came yesterday for the meeting session and we brought her to their personal dentist at Mt Elizabeth Hospital and had it implanted straight away.Poor Mariska she won't be able to eat the next few days and she is supposed to lead the service trip to Jogja on Tuesday but looks like she is grounded now.She is lucky she didn't injure her pretty face.
Today once again we had makan2 lah .... just the other day we had lunch from the PSP .... SEKOLAH NI MMG TAK HABIS BAGI KITA MAKAN .......
fish dish and it taste like asam pindang ......
For shes a jolly good fellow, for shes a jolly good fellow, for shes a jolly good fellooooow, and nobody can deny..you deserve a goood holiday my good friend..tapi jangan overeat during the holidays ok?
anak2 holiday aunty nurse kerja...will take few days for kenduri tahlil arwah bapak...
sedappppppp nya makanan tuh semuaaa.. nyum nyummm
kesianya Mariksa... boleh plant balik gigi ke kak elle? kawan neeza pernah jatuh dan tercabut terus gigi dia.. tapi takde pulak dia plant. gigi depan lak tu.. sebulan dia takde gigi.. kesian dia...
Sedap2nya makanan tu, ni yang nak JJCM ..yummyyyyyyyy :)
mmg sedap licin semua...hehe
gigi dia tak tercabut masih hanging dgn gum jadi bolih buat implant tak tau ler berapa kena tu mungkin beribu kot...kalau gigi dah tanggal selalu nya cabut lah akhir nya.
JJCM tu nak jaga juga ye..berpada2 tau....hehehe
oooo tidakkkkk... hehe
oh yessssss hahaha
bestnya kak elle...boleh rilex sikit kan..otherwise nak layan all their kerenah...tapi sure sunyi ye..
ya akan rindu kat budak2 nanti...banyak dah balik kampong masing2 jauh pulak tu.
Wah, gembira nye bercuti. I have lots of good food during my recent trips to JB and Penang, tapi tengok food kat blog kak Elle buat i lapar lah....
yang seronok budak2 cuti 5 minggu tapi staff mcm saya kena kerja juga walaupun holiday ... saya akan ambil dlm 7-8 days nak rehat aje kat rumah.
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