The baby is now 21 yrs old today ....
Congratulations and a happy 21st birthday Huda ..
Huda was our pride and joy when she was a baby,a very chubby and beautiful baby indeed.She was my ward if not daughter she sleeps with me when my sister Lina was on night duty .. the nights that I had to feed her every 3-4 hrly eventhough I had to work the next morning.Bringing her outing when I am off duty by train by taxi and every where I go Huda will tag along....
and today she turns 21 - how the time flyyyyyyyyyy.
Happy Birthday Huda... rasa macam baru je wish dia last year
tu lah masa berlalu terlalu cepat kan?
Happy birthday Huda. Enjoy your time in your twenties.
Kak Elle, am sure you must be proud of her.
happy birthday Huda, ada rupa kak elle juga, & she is so cute, especially bila bertudung
kak teh..
Huda is like a daughter to me maybe I am like a 2nd mother for her..I see to her needs but now she is all grown up and already a diploma holder but am pursuing a degree in teaching...yes I am proud of her.
hehe we are same in size...kah kah..
Happy Birthday Huda..
dah besar pun comel dia..
ada rupa kak Elle sikit-sikit.. dah nama pun aunt dia kan.. :)
Happy Birthday to Huda.
Kak Elle, cam anak sendiri, eekkk???
Happy Birthday Huda! Ahh..so nice to be young and baru 21! Aunty Huda will be 51 this June! Nice to know we share the same name!
sepusat sepusing tak larikan?
yes these are my 'children' my nephews and nieces:)
happy birthday in advance ..
haapy birthday huda...kejap aje masa terbang kan...
Happy birthday Huda..
Kak Elle masak apa for the celebration?
tu lah pejam celik dah 21 tahun kan?
happy birthday to Huda...comelnya dia...memang seiras kak elle..
sekejap saja masa berlalu kan...dulu baby..tiba2 tengok2 dah jadi anak dara..
saya lom jumpa dia lagi mesti Huda celebrate ngan kawan2 dia...
betul tu dr baby saya tido ngan dia bila dah besar panjang dia dah lupa kat wak dia...hehe
Happy Birthday Huda !!
Memang wajah dia pun ada iras akak , ayu dan manis.
Happy birthday Huda, ni kena jaga wak elok-elok yek!
banyak yg kata ada iras tak lari kan?
hopefully Huda baca ni tentang menjaga wak dia...hehe
Happy birthday to Huda.. sweetnya dia bertudung,
yes she is cute kan kalau tak salah sya pernah nampak dia masa ke Zon berjumpa my sis Lina dulu.
happy birthday huda... stay sweeeeet gitu..
you are blessed with caring & loving nieces & nephews, kak elle.. coz you are too..!!
TQ eh:)
salam..time sure flies..
yes terlalu cepat masa bergerak:)
comelnya sweet 21 Huda!! Stay Kawaii always,k!!
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