Aunty nurse with Teratai on my left and cikgu Chin on my right .... cikgu is incharge of medical for this year sport day ... behind us are the 2 filipinos nurses.
We had few injuries the first one happened before the sport start Annabel nak warm up her cheering dance hit the floor and toe nail cracked ....
Then 2 boys ran without shoes on a very hot tarmac ..... so you know rite - burn the sole .... tak kerja cari kerja ..... and a girl fell on reaching the finishing line.
Other than that it went well ..... the day ended before we knew it and I am glad to be in the coach back to school ..... nak aircond mah.....hahahaha
My best wishes to dear Dodie ........

Singapore school starts on monday and for this break its 5 weeks for our school ... school reopen on 7th July......yahoooooooooooooooooo.But tomorrow we all have to stay late again aiyoooooooooooooooo.
Best, bset, sports and then long holidays .
Saya dah berbulan tak sentuh chocolates sebab memang impactnya kepada kencing manis memang amat cepat , nasib baik temptation nak makan pun dah amat kurang.
Selamat Pengantin Baru buat Dodie.
Woo woo... There's Annabel in your school ya Kak Elle... Mesti Kak Elle terbayang-bayang kat my Annabel.. Hehe.
Anuar tu saya tau, terguna account dia...hihi.
Yohoo..don't makan too much chocs ok..
Lama sekolah you all cuti yer?
Anuar aka wanmommy...
dah faham sape anuar tu....hehe
chocs tu nanti saya bagi kat anak2 sedara bila mereka datang.
Annabel kat sekolah ni 16yrs old and badan gempal sikit but pretty macam MsA...hehe
dah tau dah...hahaha
yes 5 wks school break so our foreign students 50% of them can go home and spend longer time with the families.
alahai kak elle, office saya ni pun buat sukan jugak, dah mula jam 3.00 pm tadi, kena main chess, jangan mimpilah nak pergi, dah pesan minta orang lain gantikan sebabnya chess pun tak pandai main. main harung je mereka ni pilih, ha, ha......... sekarang panas terik pulak, outdoor games pun tak berminat.
nama je sport day tapi saya lihat budak2 ni lansung tak sporting dtg ke stadium pun mcm di paksa.
anuar: thankx for ur warm wishes!!
and not to forget my mamamia..me & my hubby saying thanks for ur wishes. Wow...bergemerlapan, gitu! Insyallah, kak elle & the Jellanies jgn x dtg yer bila dijemput dtg nanti to our reception nxt year..
COngrats to dodie.. tak tahu pulak dia nak kawin.. lama tak baca blog dia..
best nyer... jeles tau orang ada cuti panjang- panjang... huhuhu...
Enjoy your holiday ya
Selamat Pengantin baru Dodie dearie..
next year????bukan July ke?
tu lah bila cik abg dia balik last month propose ....13 tahun dia menunggu akhir nya .... jadi gak.
budak2 yg cuti panjang saya kena jimat cuma 40 hari je setahun.
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