Comes June it will be arwah's 1 year and I 've planned to do a kenduri tahlil just amongst the siblings so perhaps will take leave to do that too and of course for the GSS....
I've finished watching all the DVD's that I bought so the last 2 days I managed to do some reading again .... my first time reading book by Aina Emir and thank you Nora for the tips which book to get at the pesta buku last month.
A beautiful setup kalau dah jodoh tak kemana .....
Will start on another book tomorrow and hope it will be as nice as this one.
first time i tengok this gadget... cool!!! go kak elle can do it....
good one.. bravo KakElle!
lepas ni kena double kan pencapaian..tu..
way to go kak!! good idea kan.. walking while browsing the sales item.. lagi banyak kak elle beli, lagi tinggi reading spedometer tu.. :D
12000+ steps, wah bestnya ..kalau iku km agaknya berapa km ye kak , saya sekarang buat brisk walk every other day tapi dalam 2/3 km je perday, steps tak pasti .
So, no more mata sepet dvds.... baca jangan tak baca :)
yeah I did it....hehe
senyum meleret ni bila membaca....hahaha
a thousand step extra dulu...
hmmm....bila browsing tu agak bolih sampai 20,000 tak?
rina ....
kurang pasti jarak jauh nya...tapi asal capai 10,000 a day tu dah bagus...
hujung minggu ni nak cari dvd lagi...hehe
wah to do that 12000 steps i need a good shoe lah.. nanti sakit belakang lagi..hehehe
pakai lah sandal orange tu....hehehe
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