Celefest is here again at the school and this year we've been preparing it since March this is organised by the school with the help of the parents support group.Meetings after meetings to make sure everything will be as planned.
Today at lunch we have the preview sale some of the stuff lots of clothes every where alll brand new going at cheap prices....but I didn't buy any as my cupboard is going to explode soon.
Sponsors start sending their gifts for the saturday event ..... and more to come tomorrow and friday ..... wah the students getting excited too and all staff have to come and helppppp ...... so sad my saturday kena kerjaaaaaaaaaa ..uwaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

These are the hardworking mothers who will be running the show ..... they've been working hard organising,planning etc and mind you ni bukan calang2 mothers ........

Some of the food that will be sold on saturday .............

Pre sale for the staff and students today ............

Drinks sponsored by one parent ............. and tomorrow another 2000 coming from another company.

I bought these door stoppers .............. and the chinese zodiac hanger but left it at work so no pictures.

The lucky draw sponsored by parents ............ I am eyeing the blackberry ..... its ok even if I get the tour to Japan or Hong Kong.
Will continue more later on another day with more pictures.
kalau dapat lucky draw gift yang boleh share, kita share ya kak elle..!!! he he he..
Wah! Kak...bestnya kalau dpt hadiah lucky draw tu...aiming for the Blackbery...
And...Happy Belated Birthday to Nurul...semoga dia success dalam kerjaya dan apa jua yang dilakukan
nak blackberry tu boleh? hehe
blackberry cam mana nak sahreeeee...haha
seme aim kat blackberry..tapi kalau saya dapat japan trip pun ok jugak...hahaha
jom dtg sini beli coupons...haha
Comel door stoppers tu , macam2 benda ada dijual ye, mesti best . Kalau akak dapat blackberry tu boleh tak saya nak berry nya ...hihihi.
harapan blackberry tipis...cam mana nak menang seme2 nak blackberry...mcm saya kata trip to Japan pun bolih...hehe
wahhh best lah sekolah ni macam2 festive ada... duit nya pun nak kena ada kan sekolah kat sini hahaha
tu lah hari2 kena pergi ATM...hahaha
I kena kerja lah saturday ni....sob..sob..
kak elle.
P/s..Syukur saya dah ada Blackberry..tapi kalau dapat pi Japan ngan kak Elle best jugak...
maklang kalau dapat makan strawberry pun jadiklaa..he..he..
kalau nasib baik dan bertuah insya'allah saya punya...hahahaha
strawberry..blueberry pun bolih kan...hehe
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