Goodbye Michael may you rest in peace and if you are really a muslim al-fathiha semoga roh mu di cucuri rahmat olih Nya.
It was a shocking news when I saw the news this morning with flashes reading MJ died .....

The Micheal I grew up with - Jackson 5

The Michael that changed the world .....
In tribute lets listen to my all time favourite of Jackson 5
Kak Elle,
I grew up listening to his songs... Huhuhu, he's dead now.
I saw the news flash at Yahoo! news this morning. Terus buka CNN. On the way to work, all stations are blaring his songs on the radio. A real sad end for him. May he rest in peace.
have always enjoyed his songs esp when he was in jackson 5 with his brothers.
someone people will not forget
it was a shock for me to hear it on radio this morning.. such a great loss. like you said, if he was muslim, al fatihah to him.
Al Fatihah untuknya sekiranya dia muslim...
And I will miss him too...:(
Kak Elle,
Sedih tau...dengan berita ni pagi tadi huhu....
I am still watching CNN all his fans are waiting outside his sad.
kehilangan lagenda.
yes sad not a patriotic fan but I have enjoyed listening to his songs.
I was once a fanatic fan of MJ , I dressed like him and memorized all the 'beat it ' dancing steps . Feeling so touched of his death . He is a legend pop singer. Gonna miss him :(
he was an icon alright!!! king of the pop...
RIP MJ.... there won't be any MJ in long time to come...:(
Dulu pB pernah gak terfikir , lagu manalah kalau MJ tu meninggal ....
saya kagum dgn suara dia masa dia menyanyi masa kanak2...
yeah king of pop indeed the world are sad of his loss.
saya ingat dia punya moon walk..
Kak Elle?
Memang sad sad sad!!
And we'll never have another MJ ever..hes the greatest entertainer of all time!!
yes ada replacement for MJ
hilang nya satu lagenda...
kehilangan pada semua fans yg skg tengah menelan kesedihan.
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