I watch the above solid from 9-3am .......
The tanghoon or glass noodle that I fried that morning .........
I was indeed very sleepy and lucky that during the holidays we get to knock off at 4pm ..... I thought once I am home I can catch few hours of sleep but no I want to know whats the end of the story ....... I watch inbetween sleep ..... and finally when I was not too tired I resume watching it at night ..... and again like crazy must find out whats the end ......I watched till 4.30am...............whattttttttttttt?yes so you can imagine how I felt whole day on saturday .. jet-lag......hahaha
I slept in the afternoon to catch up my lost sleep and of course because of that afternoon sleep I couldn't count the sheep at all and begin a new show 'Victim of Love' a must watch .... a wife's scarifice for her husband ........... and I managed to control myself and pause at 1am ..... so today yours truly will spend her afternoon and continue watching ..........
Hmmmm .... looks like my kitchen will be without smoke today .... cup noodle to the rescueeeeeeee
hehehe.. kalau neeza, cup noodle is good enough tu.. tengok drama tu best jugak hehehh..
eh! first la.. ;)
ish..ish...ish....patutla tak da on line.. hehe.tak pe,
As long as you are happy kak..happy watching..
amboi amboi... memang demam sungguh ya kak elle.
Hahaha...kak 'penyakit' demam tu dah teruk tu...kalau anie dah tak larat dah...
kak elle,
cruel love, bad love samalah tu. saya tengok dari awal, tengah2 tinggalkan, sambung yang hujung cerita je. harus berjaga kalau tengok semua. nak tau ending cepat-cepat/
akak dah tengok my girl?
now saya tengah mood biasa-biasa, so sangkut-sangkut je tengok my lovely sam soon. sibuk menjahit baju.
tak jadi cup noodle masak bubuh lemak ayam...hehe
1st offer dah habis lah...hahaha
ada online kejap2 aje dah mabuk drama korea..
mmg relaxing ni baring sambil nonton:)
lebih terok dari demam...jankitan virus korea yg merbahaya...hehe
ntah lah mata bolih tak ngantok...pelik sekali kan?
ngelat ye tengok last episode dulu...kalau gitu tak syiok lah jln cerita nya..
my lovely samsoon dah tengok kat tv..
Kak...been that..done that before.
Bad Love and Cruel love is the same. I watched via online. The drama seemed good to us but not in the Korean market. It is considered a very bad drama..funny eh??
I want to tell you the latest Kwon Sang Woo's drama but worry that you will not sleep again...he..he..
cruel love ..maybe its a bit slow maybe korean mkt tak minat .but ksw too cute like his dimples...hehe...eh ada dimples ke?Victim of love better story line cuma the actors a bit too old ... I am waiting for them to call me and collect Hpotelier the Japanese version.
drama korea punya pasal tak makan pun tak pe hehe
Kak elle, best kan bila dah demam korea nih. Moon sekarang deman drama thai pulak hehheh.
tengok2 dan makan pun ye jugak...hehe
haha lom sampai ke thai lagi next change jepun dulu:)
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