Hmm memang relax habis betul 2 hari ni ... tak payah masak, makan apa yg ada leftovers and yesterday Huda runs the kitchen making .....
and choc chips cookies but no photos she brought all for her gathering with her friends in the afternoon at the botanical garden .... pengsan gue so hot under the sun....adoiiiiiiiii.
Then she cooks .... and keep coming to my room asking where I put the oregano and do I have cili sprinkles ..... well she found a packet of spagetti in my larder so decide to make ....
oglio olio correct me if I am wrong eh Huda not sure of spelling....she makes plain oglio olio and after she left I added some minced beef to mine:)
Again we watched the unfinish winter sonata today but she has to go go back to do her presentation I think or is it some paperwork that she has to send for printing as she is starting her uni next month....and she will be back to continue our movie marathon another day.
Aglio Olio is ilan's favorite pasta..hehehe...
lama tak makan blownies ...sedapnya :)
owwww. chewy goooey yummy brownie,,,
ok noted nanti Ilan dtg kita suruh Huda cook for him nak prawns or squid topping?hehehe
nasib baik ada anak sedara yg nak jugak masuk dapur...haha
too sweet lah brownie ni u bolih cubit sikit aje...hehe
meh lah suruh Huda buat lagi:)
luurrrrvvveeeeee the choclaty thing tu... macam choc cake pun ada.. tapi, memang suka la bila ada choclate coating tu.. sedapnyaaaaa...
Wah, bestnya ada orang masak untuk kita, kan...??? With dessert pulak tu...!!! Ask Huda if she wanted to come over to US to visit me..?? Kekeke!
salam akak..
oh akak...i didnt know that u r not well... *hugs*...semoga akak cepat sembuh...
wah...brownie yg huda buat tu memang nampak mengancam!!
take care akak...hugsssss
Hmm..anie teliur tengok brownies tu kak...
anything chocolaty mmg sedap kan?
tu masa dia rajin nak buat but good practice for her kan?
sakit malas....hehe
the weather is really hot
mmg nampak very tempting kan?kalau nak tau saya cuma cubit sikit aje...haha
Wah sekarang Kak Elle siap ada kawan lagi menonton citer Korea yer..sambil tengok tv, makan brownie tu..heaveennn..
teman untuk 2 mlm aje dah balik pun nak buat paperwork or maybe rindu masakan mak sendiri...hehe
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