My guests arrived at 5.45pm after a visit to the bird's park in Jurong ... I think my last visit there must be over 20 yrs ago.....
This is
Mulan's 2nd visit to my place her last visit was a year ago ... this minah really make use of the school holidays rounding from east to north to central to east and south and back to central then to Vietnam .... I can imagine how tiring its gonna be in the end.

We had lontong and I am happy the family enjoyed it .... Zharif has good appetite and so is Marsha .... mak and pak jgn cakap enjoy habis ...rite mulan?.... hahaha

Zharif enjoyed the rendang 3 kali tambah tau ..... haha but I am not counting I am happy they are enjoying my cooking ...

Before we say goodbye .... a must picture .... excuse my powderless face .... hehe

Thank you mulan for the goodies ... love them ... the one in the pink bag is a belated birthday gift a set of pink emboidery telekong and sovenirs from HK and Vietnam.

I am dying to try this perencah ikan bakar that mulan brought ... must do it this weekend if I am not doing anything .

more fridge magnets to my collections .... thank you once again.
I am waiting for next month as I will be having 2 princesses coming to stay with me ..... hmm... want to make a guess?.... wonder who?
Sedapnya lontong. You are a good cook, Kak Elle. I miss the sambal udang and your nasi lemak... Hari2, Cath boleh makan your home-cooked nasi lemak...
next time must stay with me longer then can cook for you ok?
Seronok bila ada tetami dtg berkunjung dan menikmati masakan kita kan kak?
Jauhnya Mulan berjalan...anie tak kemana2 musim cuti sekolah ni...
Rasanya dodie dan mas akan ke sana lagik ke? Hehehe...
mmg suka kalau tetamu dtg menunjung:)sudi nak dtg kerumah.
takpe lah cuti sekolah akan dtg bolih berjalan kot...hehe
tetamu bulan depan kena tunggu...haha
ayoooo... sudah masuk entry..? he he... i'm about to sleep.. penaaattt but enjoy jumpa kak elle tadi..!! thanx for everything..
selamat menyambut tetamu hehe
I am speedy gonzales lah...hahaha semua buat nak cepat.
selagi ada tenaga bolih lah terima tetamu:)
Kak Elle sorry tak dapat dtg, sebab cuti boss bagi till rabu aje and I was busy ngan ipar2 and the children seorang dgn sya and another diekspot ke rumah lain. Bila nak balik lots of picking up kena buat.
Trip kali ni meletihkan sungguh and anak2 pun tak sempat jumpa nenek.
Masa kak elle sms pepagi hp with Amiza so tak dpt ur message abt lontong party tu sebab Amiza at Bukit Merah and myself kat Senja.
Thanks a lot for the invitation and sayang tak dpt jumpa Mulan
Kak Elle...terimakasih atas ucapan Bday.
alamak...terliur azzah tgk lontong kak Elle tu...nak jugak boleh?
amboi kak elle...
besar nya udang tu....
Wow Mulan ligat betul cuti-cuti ASEAN ya!
Burp...dah kenyang, terimakasih sebab tolong makan ya...hehehe
ermmmm..rasanya tau sapa 2 princess tu...ehem!
KakAnie.. Dodie kan dah kena ikat la.. camana nak datang ngan Mas...unles Alfian kasi lepas isteri cutenya tu...hehehe..
takpe lah mungkin tak rezeki nak jumpa.
lontong kat sana sama juga kan?
mana ada besar dlm gambar aje tu...hehe
cuti sekolah ramai malaysian yg pergi jauh2 ye..sape kata ekonomi merosot?
hmm...princess and prince and king pun bolih gak....hahaha
Dodie kalau nak dtg bolih sekali2 suami di tinggalkan...hahaha
bestnya lah mulan.. dah 2nd time dapat makan home cook Kak Elle.. sangat lah jelesnya.. tapi tak pelah, dapat tengok pun dah dapat telan air liur hehehe..
Kalau ada peluang nak jugak ke sana.. tapi tak tahu lah.. cuti pendek sangat...
kalau sudi apa salah nya kan?pucuk pangkal ikut kan hati lah...haha
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