A shoulder to cry on ... a shoulder to lean on .... nicely put in a poem but where are you dear shoulder I can't seem to find you ...... A shoulder or ear to listen with me .... I think being the eldest you have no one to turn to in times like this now - everyone seem pretty busy with their own life or pretend not to know.
I remembered when I was diagnosed with a huge fibroid in my uterus I turn to a dear friend C to lean on and discuss my problem and how I cried over the phone telling him and his words of encouragement I pull through the major surgery and with his visits during his lunch hour (he was then working at a nearby clinic) was indeed a blessing.Again during my confinement(I had 7 weeks of medical leave) being alone at home coping on my own cooking and doing house chores it was again him who calls to ask how I am doing can I cope?and with his cousin J they both came to visit me at home to make sure I am ok.Even my recuperation holiday to Sydney and Brisbane was suggested by him to forget what I just went through and accepting it.
The same shoulder again I lean on when my mom passed away listening to my cry all over again and words of moral support and I went into depression it was to him I confide besides another good doctor friend who had left this world... RIP Dr Alex Khoo.
Over the years when I was coping with the loss he and his cousin J will bring cheers inviting me over the weekend to spend with them and there are always 5-6 of us and J's mom and sister....
cooking and watch movies and play games.
Then they both went to stay in NZ in 1998 for 1yr to get the PR status and since we are so far away every alt week he sends a post card with news from there (I still keep them tau) C always tell me to throw them away esp the letter he wrote ... they came back and after 6 months they went again and this time he ask me to get a pc so we can chat online and thats when I was into pc chatting with him on ICQ...
I went to NZ to visit them and I first went to Christchurch and Queenstown on my own for 5 days before flying to Auckland and how happy I was to see them waiting at the airport.They rented a nice 2 bedrooms house and I slept in J's room whilst the 2 of them shared the master bedroom.Here I met another 2 bachelors whom they met at S'pore Club and we became friends my 2 weeks stay was full of activities , we will be out everyday driving me to places of interest-sight seeing and in the evening I will do the cooking with J who is very good with his kuih putri salad.Everyday they will request for certain meals and it was fun doing our shopping in the small chinatown and certain nights we will eat out in the city.
The folowing year when they decide to stay again in NZ .... I went to visit them again in 1999 with B another of thier friend .... hehe as you can see we are from the single group....hahaha....this time we stayed in northcote.Once again we tour round the places we didn't cover during the first visit...during this length of stay they both became volunteers for the food on wheel sending food to homes for the poor and I enjoyed following them and see what's life like being a desitute.We brought cheers to the old folks.They finally came back after getting their PR and thats the last of my going to New Zealand.
The shoulders thats been my pillar of strength .... J in dark tees and C in white polo this was taken at Sentosa Restaurant in Auckland on my 49th birthday in 1999... sorry my scanner doesn't work with my new lappie so I snap the picture with my camera otherwise there are more pictures of us in Auckland.This photo taken at Brownes Bay feeding the gulls with J next to me and B in blue standing and the oldman in white windcheater is the guy who goes round feeding the birds nampak dia carry a bagful of bread.
Last year when bapak was seriously ill to him again I turn to for comfort .... his smses cheers me up and after bapak left us I keep away from the world .... they both C & J are the shoulders for me to lean on when I am down.... they know I am lonely being alone. C & J are chinese for your info and we get along fine.I hope our friendship will last forever as you can never find friends like them - good friends are hard to come by - C is busy running around working and treating at the oldfolks home and in the afternoon he does visiting to the terminally ill and by night looking for cats and feeding them.His dedication will be reawrded by HIM I am sure for all the good deeds and passion and compassion.
We have each other for comfort and I remembered when J was diagnosed with CA C called me at work one morning and burst out crying no words and its my turn to comfort him then .... so excuse me can you loan me your shoulder?
Infact we have each other shoulders to lean on when J was diagnosed with cancer of the throat C phone me at work and was crying like a child and after half an hour I managed to make him see the bright side and alhamdulillah after DXT J has no relapse and it has been 7 yrs now.
Oh boy I think I wrote enough for this entry ....
Are you ok kak elle?
Is there anything bothering you down there?
itu lah dia sahabat.. rakan karib.. bila kita memerlukan dia ada berada di sisi utk menghulur bantuan.. walaupn sekadar mendengar..
Very touching indeed !
I hope akak is doing great today .
Anyhow thanks a lot for the gifts , ada purple beg tu... love them all .
I am ok my dear not to worry anything I buzz you ok?
as u know life have the ups and down:)
mencari sahabat walaupun sekadar mendengar sudah memadai.
nak keluarkan dr hati mengenang jasa kawankekadang kawan lebih rapat dr adik beradik sendiri.
kak elle,
just nak tambah.. true true.. sometimes we are closer to our friends and can confide in them .. dont know why eh?
thats how nature works rite?friends are more approachable than own siblings sometimes:)
Kak Elle, I dah lama nak tanya about yr close friend ( tapi segan)coz I am thinking that you must have one or two - thanks for sharing..cheer up dear sis!
ni lah friends yg I can trust with we've been close friends for over 20yrs ... jgn segan2 tanya lah so secret kalau ada jawapan akan I beri:)
Kak Elle,
Hope you are doing fine. I know we all have that kinda of the moment... C seems to be a very special friend to you.
We all do need someone special in our life besides family members... Some of the stuff are easier to talk to with a special friend...
I am ok just sometimes we do feel neglected rite?
yes they both my good friends for 20 over years.... and I know C first and he was my another friend's partner in setting up a clinic.
touchylah story kali nie..moga kak elle sejahtera selalu.i envy u for having such friends..truly friends.kalo sedey2 lg,masak nasi myk utk sy ek...huhu,isi masa lapang.. :)
ngah jiwang sikit mengenang masa lampau...hehehe
nasi myk meh lah akak pun lama tak masak.
Kak Elle,
This entry brings tears to my eyes and it's so touching. It's true that true friends will be with you forever in times of sadmess and share your happiness too.
Take care kak...
This entry reminded me of my 2 close friends who were like my elder brothers that I didnt have. Sadly enough we lost contact after my marriage...S & S - i missed them a lot!
Kak..take care..they are so many ups and downs in life that we are not able to share with anyone - not even with siblings or even our other half..
I dunno why I make this entry but somehow I feel at ease now:)
even though we don't see each other that often now we still contact thru' smses and calls ...
maybe you can find your thru' facebook:)
thanks I am ok just a little lonely at times.
Kak Elle kawan susah begini sukar dicari.. kalau jumpa sorang dua aje. Kawan masa senang berlambak depan mata
mmg betul teman menangis mmg susah nak cari.
Untung kak elle ada kawan baik macam tu,...memang kadang-kadang tu sekali sekala kita perlu luahkan perasaan ...takpa cik moon sudi dengar..jangan sedih-sedih lagi :)
thanks tapi kekadang tak semua benda yg kita bolih bagi kat orang yg kita kenal walaupun bergelar kawan kan.
Kak Elle, I like the fact that your friend catches stray cats and give them a home. And they live just across the Tasman Sea...lovely people, wish they're my friends too...purrr purrr meow...
cat in sydney...
yes he sends them to cattery where he and friends donated $$ to run the place.
Kak...sayunya membaca entry akak ni...mesti akak sedang merindui saat2 bersama mereka...
Mungkin ketika ini akak sedang melalui saat2 yang tak dpt akak luahkan bersama kami...
Kalau akak rasa ingin bercerita rasanya ramai di sini yang sudi mendengar...
Akak take care...
saya pun tak tau mcm mendadak luahkan perasaan bila menulis tapi mmg saya rasa kehilangan mereka persahabatan tak mcm 20 tahun dulu skg masing2 sibuk dgn urusan sendiri...ini lah adat resam kehidupan kan?
wow kak how lucky of u to have a friend like them...friendship remains and never can end..
mungkin hadiah dari Nya:)
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