Foodwise I still buy the same stuff to stock the freezer and this is one I can't change and don't ask me why cause I don't have the answer to it.

Lately I bought the smallest 300gms and this also will last for 1 week ..... unless I have sambal tumis ikan bilis to eat with .... hardly toast it as I don't norm take breakfast .... peanut butter been on the shelf last 6-8 months hardly touched.

A 5kg pack of jasmine rice will last me about 2 months ....

Then comes the eggs bought 10 eggs and its still there for 2wks and when I decide to do something with it found that its no longer fresh ............ so now I kept them in the fridge .......
same goes for other stuff sugar 1kg will last for 2 months most time as I prefer things 3 in 1 for coffee and milo and my box of tea is still full like before bapak drinks tea.
Come thursday it will be a year arwah left us and the time just flew by too fast ... his things in the room is still intact maybe after thursday I will keep them.
His clothings which are too big for the brothers and in laws will be given to home for the poor or who ever wants them.
I will do the kenduri tahlil on saturday 13th June.
Some sentimentals valuable been taken by siblings for remembrance and I am keeping one of his watches.
Life is such ................
cepatnya masa berlalu....
about the food, same here w me, semenjak bibik tak ada, we use less sugar, less milo and milk sebab tak ada orang nak buatkan for the children. i think it's better that way than having sweet drinks always kan.
even telur pun sekarang jarang guna, dah expired pun bila i nak guna for goreng mee tadi.
yes masa berjalan dgn cepat nya pejam celik dah setahun berlalu kan?
I don't even have condensed milk in the house as I use all 3 in 1 ...or creamer so sape2 yg dtg umah I sorry eh have to take all 3 in 1 ... hehe
he, heh, kayalah auntie nurse lepas ni, banyak yang jimat tu.
kaya??? kayap tu ada lah duit beli korean cds...haha
Sekejap aje rasanya dah hampir setahun arwah meninggalkan akak...
Bila tinggal seorang...banyak yang berubah...anie kat rumah ni kalau cik abang ada...banyaklah bahan2 makanan yang luak...tapi kalau cik abang takde kadang ikan sampai jadi kayu...yang laku cuma ayam aje...
bagitu cepat masa berlalu...
people say time flies when you're having fun but i think they fly when you're grieving too.
sånn er det bare...
time flies, life goes on, we (try to)cope
AlFatihah to your father.
mmg rasa sekejap aje dah setahun kan?
makanan mmg tak luak tapi saya masak juga bolih makan 2-3 hari..masak pun cuma hujung minggu skg.
terlalu cepat:)
fun and grieving makes the time go faster than ever!
yes life goes on and on.......
Kak elle,
memang cepat masa berlalu kan...dan banyak benda akan berubah selepas ketiadaan orang2 yang kita sayangi. Al Fatihah to arwah.
cuma masa yg akan meningatkan kita...thank u:)
1/ I'm back in Kemaman.Terribly sorry I can't proceed with my Fasa 3 cuti since semua dah keletihan. Sampai Kl terus balik Kemaman petang semalam. Maybe next time kita jumpa lagi InsyaAllah.
2/ sekejap betul setahun dah berlalu. Saya yang jauh ni pun terasa baru saja Bapak akak pergi buat selamanya . Semoga roh arwah dirahmati sentiasa. Amin.
3/ Bab makanan tu memang kami pun terasa perbezaannya bila tinggal bertiga saja . Membazir pun ada juga bila terpaksa buang bahan makanan yang lama sangat tak digunakan . Sekarang kalau nak beli makanan saya beli yang benar2 'laku' dimakan oleh budak berdua ni .paling utama yang mereka makan susu segar , yogurt dan roti, semua ni memang tak membazir , habis je setiap kali beli.
fasa 3 tak jadi ek?dah agak mesti kepenatan tapi kalau tukar fikiran meh lah saya tunggu:)
alfatehah to your arwah is fast when you didnt realize time pass by you. last jan i was couting the years my dad left us, sedar2 dah 17 years...rasa macam baru je lagi.
thanks yes the time just flew by too fast for us....
al fathiha to your arwah dad too semoga mereka di lindungi olih Nya..amin
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