If one student is diagnosed with it the whole school will be affected ... so comes 7th July its temperature taking again ... and that means aunty nurse have to come to school at 7.30am again....oh no!
I prepared myself with fried red mackerel with berlado for my meal today before I start watching my korean heroes ...... hahaha.... this dish is best eaten with hot rice .... I am not fussy even with one dish I am ok .. no soup..no vege ..... hehehe

Aaahhh Kwon Sang Woo another favourite of mine .... like his cute look ..... fell in love with him when I first watch Stairway to Heaven on tv abt 2 yrs ago and I think that was my first korean drama I really stayed glued to my bed ... every sat and sunday afternoon betw 3-5pm ..... never cried buckets before until I saw this drama..... in this show he was paired with Choi Ji Woo of winter sonata.
The first drama of his that I watched from episode 1 till the end ....... and as today I bought 2 more of dramas 'cruel love' and 'love so divine' just as good.....yeah when I have time will look for more of his DVD too:)
Tonite my partner in crime coming to watch more korean movie with me .... hahahaha
Happy weekend .....
sementara belum sibuk ni kak...enjoy jelaa cerita korea tu...
nanti cabut gigi kalau nangis, hero boleh datang pujuk..he..he...
ikan merah berlado memang sedap...makan dengan nasi panas, sure makin berpeluh2 kak...he..he..
when is the school going to open?lamanya kak elle cuti...memang boleh mabuk cerita korea tu..
saya baru habis makan ni mmg sedap dgn nasi panas2...hehe
schools in sg start on 29th June after 1 month break but mine will only begin on 7th July ..
mabok cita korea takpe kan dr mabok cinta....hehe
kak elle, ni hero cinderella man kan? sepetnya........
dulu ada seorang cina beritahu saya, lagi sepet lagilah handsome atau cantik, ye ke?
Kak Elle, that fish dish looks yummy, though may not be suitable for my cat tummy...
That Korean bloke looks very very dishy....hmmm...roar...roar...
Kak Elle,
I have yet to follow any of these Korean Dramas... Asyik kena tengok cerita cartoon aje dgn the kids..
All the best with the school re-opening.
Mak ooiii nampak merah menyala sambal tu... takuttt .... sedih sebenarnya takleh makan cili merah macam tu :(
Agaknya tersedak-sedak hero2 korea tu bila akak n the partner dok feeling2 gitu...hihi.
aha ni cari cinderella man lom dapat lagi maybe susah nak korean dvd kat sini..or dah sold out...sepet2 lah tapi hidung mancungggggggggg
actually its not hot at all ..thanks for visiting will visit you soon ok:)
what to do bila ada anak2 cartoon lah nampak nya kan?
sambal tak pedas lansung bab tu saya bolih makan..lian lah tarok cili padi yg tu I tak bolih makan kang keluar asap dr telinga...hehe
takutlah nak balik malaysia bila ada domestic case of H1N1 tu..
semoga takde apa2 yang tak elok berlaku....
stairway to heaven? cik moon dah tengok, ok gak la sedap lagi a love to kill....peminat rain nih hehe.
Kak...pernah dengar ada orang kata cerita Stairway to Heaven tu sedap...
Hmmm...kalau anie sensorang pun masak satu lauk pun cukup...nanti masak bebanyak saper nak makan ....kan?
kat sini ada 1 domestic case...oh no!
ok nanti nak cari cita tu ....hehe
mmg tak kisah kan kalau makan sendiri apa2 pun bolih..
cita STH tu dah 2 kali ulang di tv saya tengok lagi...haha
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