To the dentist again 2nd appointment this morning and today I had to wait for more than an hour ... when the patient came out from the consultation room its a makcik or maybe younger than me ... hehe... then I heard her calling her anak 'mak dah habis ni meh bayarkan'...lucky makcik ada yg bayarkan when I am private limited and cannot claim lagi.....then a young man came into the clinic and ask ... how much? bolih pengsan agak nya bila nurse kata $545/-... hmm...makcik kena buat 7 fillings and new denture.....anak cuma bawa $200/- but lucky when the nurse said its ok next visit can pay the rest....whew** ya lah ni belum cukup bulan lagi gaji lom masuk.
As for my case I was told how much the whole procedure going to cost so I am prepared but still its a lot of money ....... if before u only $20 for a filling or extraction now its double $40.
I had 2 molars extracted today and after 59yrs my teeth cannot be saved anymore due to poor gum problem ....
For lunch today I had the usual rice porridge with dace-fish and black beans ( chinese style)
fried dace fish comes in 3 flavours with black beans,cili or vege....but so far I prefer with black beans even with hot rice and sambal blacan sedap....fyi black beans tu taucu hitam.
So, kena makan bubur je lagi lah ni , tak pe, kali ni hero Jepun temankan kot :)
i pun nak kena jumpa dentist coz the filling dah pecah sikit.. alamak dah lama tk jumpa dentist.. seram!! sedapnya that fried dace fish with black bean... kat KL tk pernah nampak pun.. anythingla yang makan dgn nasi panas memang bestkan..
harap akak dah rasa ok...
tengok hero2 hensem..lupa kot sakit tu...
bubur tukar2 menu pun sedap makan hari2...hehe
hero jepang belum nampak lagi semua nya heroin aje.
mmg phobia jumpa dentist kan?
mungkin ada cuma tak tau apa benda tu.
tu lah kerena gusi gigi jadi mangsa...
nnt ulang tayang hero2 korea balik...hehehe
Kak Elle,
Take care, tengok cerita korea tak ingat sangat nanti sakit tu.. :)
Kak...anie kalau pi doktor...nanti anie tanya...berapa kosnya semua sebelum buat aper2...sebab taku tak cukup cash...
Nampak sedap dace fish tu...kalau sorang boleh lah makan yang dalam tin tu ye ke...kalau ramai...tak cukup nanti...hehehe
salam ...
pB punya crown ,belum siap.
3 Julai , baru siap...
hopefully , it will be the last appointment...
dah tak larat nak nganga
tak sakit sangat maybe I am strong...hehe
nak kena cari dvd lain2 pulak...haha
mmg masa buat checkup dah di beri bayaran nya sampai complete treatment agak makcik tu dtg mendadak sakit gigi.
1 tin untuk saya bolih untuk dua hari...
tu lah yg tak sanggup gi dentist kan?
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