The box I've been waiting until I didn't even leave home from monday till thursday and then they claimed that they deliver but no one was home!!!!..... what the hack here I daren't even leave home ...... its the yasin I ordered from Dodie 20 pcs in all ...
After getting the contact number and ref no from Dodie I called them on friday morning and I had to collect from their central .... OMG imagine having to brave the heat and whats more had to stand all the way in the train to and fro take takes 50 minutes one way .... I was sweating even in the train which is airconditioned.
Only after the confirmation of the parcel I dare myself to go down to the market and got all the necessary stuff for cooking for the next day....... and here are the dishes that I prepared for all of us..... nak pengsan......Ram and family unfortunately had made plan for the weekend so they were the only absentees ...... but she sends her maid on saturday around 12 noon to help and stay the night.Whilst I do the cooking the maid did the cleaning as you know nowadays I have closed one eye doing all these chores and most of all she did my ironing for me...yippee!and not forgetting Aini also send tante earlier at 3pm to help out so between tante and bibik my job is less.
I was drenched with sweat from the heat .... yes drenched wet after 4 hrs of cooking I didn't feel well maybe dehydrated drank plenty of water and rest in my room for an hour..... from 10am till 2pm I did 4 dishes so only need to do 1 more dish later.......
Bergedil from my sis Lina .....
Serunding ..... I bought too tiring too fry in this heat and also some bought by my sis Ram.
Daging berempah ketumbar jintan I did this first as it takes longer .....
hmmmm.... what a big pot huh?well Jellanie clan is a big number ..... and whats in it?
Thank you to my brothers and sisters who came with kuih muih and my niece Huda who did the apple crumbles ... sedap Huda next time can do again huh?... hehehe
My brother Baharudin came with 10 pcs of murtabak ... wah really lots of food ...
I forgot to snap pictures of the kuih muih yesterday as I was too busy but here are the balance left ... pandan chiffon from Aini,kuih bakar from sis in law Saba, banana cake from sis in law Ros, epok2 sardine from my sis Lina and that yummy apple crumbles from my niece Huda...hehe ada juga yg tak membawa apa2 but their present were apreciated.
Insya'allah if time permit hope to do it again next year unless I have volunteer amongst the siblings.
Alhamdulillah hampir semua dapat hadir , di samping memperingati arwah Bapak akak, dapat juga mengeratkan silaturahim sesama ahli keluarga , bagus tu.
bab makanan tu memang patut pun berpeluh nak sediakannya , semuanya sungguh menyelerakan, yummy.
Semuga roh ke dua aruah ayah bonda tenang di sana...Mak ai, terliur tengok udang belado tu; ayam lemak tu pun sedapnya...
Alhamdulillah ada bibik tolong buat house chore...
ye alhamdulillah semua ada kecuali Ram and family dan yg di states..masa ni lah kami berkumpul kan?nak tunggu raya pun susah tak semua ada pada masa yg sama.
cikmilah ...
insya'allah semoga doa di beri membuat mereka tenang...
senang aje recipe udang berlada tu.
lupa nak type tante pun ada sama dr 3pm jadi kemas mengemas tu mereka yg buat.
Kak Elle,
Baguskan adakan majlis macam ni, even orang tua dah takde hubungan dengan adik-beradik tu rapat...
sebagai yg sulong saya kena menjaga supaya kami masih rapat antara adik beradik2...
Alhamdulillah, silaturahim terpelihara.
alhamdulillah kami masih rapat lagi:)
Syukur alhamdulillah, selamat semuanya. Tapi bab gambar makanan tu..d tau mesti sedap. Alhamdulillah.
tentang makanan tu kena suruh hubby masak kan ye...hehe
Semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh kedua ibu bapa kak elle.. Amin
meriah sungguh dengan makanan. Alhamdulillah.. rezeki tu.. bagus juga buat aktiviti cam ni kan. Anak-anak dan cucu-cucu akan selalu ingat untuk sedekahkan pahala buat arwah Atok...
terima kasih:)
kami cuba buat gathering sebanyak mbolih supaya kami rapat sentiasa:)
lapar.... lapar ni...
jom makan...hehe
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