Jeng..jeng..jeng ... who knows that I decide to go to Japan this morning eh?well last week when I decide to throw everything in my room in one big bag konon nya nak sembunyikan membersihkan sikit bilik hehe .. for the kenduri thalil I forgot abt the wrong dvd I bought together with the koreans dvds thinking it was a korean movie but who knows its a japanese movie about 7 lawyers.
It was raining this morning so my plan to the market was aborted and I found 2 pieces of ikan tenggiri in the freezer so thats good enough for todays meal.

After my shower and reading the paper at same time smsing wanmommy I put the dvd on and start watching ....hmmm.... not bad and the japanese actresses are so pretty too with up to date dressing maybe this is a new movie... has anyone watch this ? unfortunately this is 2nd series so ladies and gentlemen I've arrived in the land of the rising sun now ..... hahaha ..... bye bye Korea for time being ... hello Japan ........In this movies its all girls so far no male character yet that I can fall in love with:)

Mixed vege porridge for today ......

with ikan asam rebus .... cuba lah sedap juga makan ngan bubur nasi:)

A little energetic I steam eggs but because I was engrossed with the movie I forgot to lower the heat so not a pretty smooth surface but who cares as long as can be eaten .... kah..kah..kah...

I did this caramel pudding last night from the instant pack I bought many moons ago ... first time doing it and it doesn't turn out as pretty as pictured on the box but once again the taste is there so into the tummy as well .... now with all these yummy food how to slim down?....
Dah jadi 'hantu' jepun pulak... siap dengan makanan enak2 tu .. bagi chanlah sebelum buka sekolah ni ...hihihi.
belum jadi hantu lagi baru movie pertama saya tengok selain dari Oshin dulu2...
go far eastern.. go KakElle...
hmmm , sedap tengok tenggiri masak asam tu...hirup kuah dengan nasi putih pun laju jadinya...
cikmilah ...
dah sampai jepang...kejap lagi nak makan nasi kepal lah pulak...hehehe
asam rebus plain tampa kacang bende tapi mkn ngan bubur ok jugak.
aduhhh... cepat nya dah sampai jepun. good for you. tak lah boring duduk sorang2 kan. mesti terkinja2 di hati nak menghabiskannya.. eh faham ke maksud terkinja2 tu.
macam macam lah kak Elle ni....
ingat kan betul lah tadi akak dah sampai ke negara doremon tu..hahaha
Kak Elle,
Ada satu cerita jepun ni bessttt tajuk tak ingat tunggu kang cik moon balik rumah...
kalau cerita Along knows baaanyak..sanagat...I tak tau...
I was in Japan in 1998 after attending my niece wedding in states because of delay in San Francisco we arrived 5 hrs late in Tokyo so those with connecting flight got 1 night free stay lah..imagine I sorang2 at Nikko Narita asal nak pejam mata that stupid fridge make noise....hahaha but managed to buy stuff from the hotel sovenir shop.
japan mmg dah sampai tahun 1998 yg macam saya komen balas ummi punya..insya'allah satu hari nanti ada rezeki sampai lagi.
terima kasih tapi lagi suka tengok hero korea lah asal lom kenal yg jepang punya:)
mmg dhirah hantu jepun tau tu...hehe
Kak Elle,
Terkezut I ingatkan you ke Jepun betul betul..haha!
How to slim?
Ah no need....dah putih gebu cantik molek dah tu :)
sengaja buat org gemuruh sikit...hahaha
kak elle.
saspen jer..
btw, asam rebus is my favourite! i memang can't stand makan makanan pedas-pedas..
Hi Elle. I thot u actually went to Japan....
How are you dear?
selera kita sama ye?
dlm mimpi sampai juga ke japan sekali lagi...hehe
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