I was never a fan of cats or any other furry animals - don't hate but just that eeks feeling and I wouldn't even want to touch them until I met sayang mama....
One night after having dinner with the guys and playing with garpy upon reaching home my mind was thinking of him and I know how close he is with C or vice versa ... can I break their love by adopting him?.... sitting alone in my room I decide to jot this down .... straight from my heart .....
To sayang mama
Never in a million years
I dream of you
Sayang mama has changed me
If touching you was yucks before
that was yesterday
As today a new horizon develope
Seeing you for first time
Makes me want to touch you
Why??? I have no answer
My hope is …..
we'll get along fine...
I know you belong to him
I'm not yours...
but my love for you will not change
you're all mine in my heart .. darling Garpy.
No matter I hope one day I will find another like him that has the same fatal attraction . 'love at first sight'... should sayang mama be mine one day can C accept the separation?
So for now I will love him from afar and if he is mine he will be mine.
Nothing much to write today and just as a reminder raya is 3 days away and I am still not prepared .... aiyo why huh?
Selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin.
Yooohoooo... looks like i am not behind time now.. hehehe 1st to comment. wah sudah bagus tu. boleh lah adopt dia.. at least ada kawan nak bercakap kat rumahkan..
I think you got the "master" bit sallah leow.
I am the slave! and he is my lord and master! coz I serve him hands and feet!
bravo 1st to comment ummi well done..I know the feeling of having someone tomorrow makes thing go faster in everything....hahaha...
reminder roses petals on the bed...kah kah kah
to have him you must be prepared to serve but you are still the master:)
amboi amboi.....suka lar garpy ada mama elle. Ada temankan mama kita ni. Happy for u too :)
dodie also is sayang mama elle rite?I wisg D that I can ahve Garpy as companion in time of loneliness but he has his master too:)
kak elle, have a great raya with your new sayang mama :)
selamat hari raya to you and family too....yohooo singapore also jalan sehala tau...hahaha
Salam kak elle,
Selamat berkenalan. Best baca blog kak elle. Jika ada kelapangan, jemputlah ke blog saya.
Selamat menyambut hari raya aidil fitri.
ibu and abah..
terima kasih sudi singgah..ala cerita hari2 ni kalau jadikan buku agak laku ye...haha
insya'allah nanti saya kunjung.
Kak Elle,
You got infected by the feline bug too...we like!!!! purrr...purr...
Here's wishing you and yours Eid Mubarak. meow!
C in S...
I know and mamashita all love cats so here I am learning trying to love them:)
selamat hari raya..how's the celbration in Sydney?
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