Here are some of the teachers @ ACSInternational ........
Ms Pat Symons Ms Bollywood wannabe ( teaches Economics) ..... I snap this picture behind our staff launch/pantry.
Eniko Kiss from Hungary teaches English .....
Ms Cheryl Seah and Mr Chin C K - Maths.....

OK..OK.. Paul2 won Mr Photogenic on that day .....

Far extreme David Cobb - English,Mr Karuna bridging teacher teaching pre secondary,Mr Olwande from Kenya - English,Hiromo teaching Japanese and Pat teaching Econs.

Dougal from NZ teaching biology,Jo MacDonald our school councellor also from NZ

Can you trust them with your children?

Paul Hannon and Marissa Janzs

Mr Hearty singing away ...... science teacher.
or you rather have faith in Cikgu Chin and aunty nurse ...... hahahaha

Paul Hannon and Marissa Janzs

Mr Hearty singing away ...... science teacher.

Actually nothing much to write just putting up pictures only ........
There are about 90 plus teachers but I can't snap all of them as we were seated far apart.
till my next entry..........
kak elle, that is one day teachers can let their hair down and be human, kan? I bet you all had fun!
Berbuka apa hari ni?
Kak...sesekali cikgu2 tu melaram & having fun.....macam tak caya aje diorang tu cikgu kan?
YES I missed the concert it should be hilarious teachers on stage and students jadi audience plak.
Tonite berbuka bubur lemak je KT.
once a year cikgu mengila...hahaha..tapi mereka semua very dedikasi towards teaching.
Kalau I jadi cikgu kat sana, mau I pun join gila-gila macam cikgu2 tu semua, best tau sekali-sekala have lots of fun together .
mmg cikgu2 ni semua nya sporting habis...
suker org yg kepala giler2, best!!
birds of a feather flock together kan?...hahaha
ok apa... tapi i'm not sure our local teachers here boleh buat camtu.. takut kena tindakan disiplin..
back in vietnam.. memang selalu ada teachers nite etc..
its teachers day they can let their hair down...hehe kat sana kalau buat jadi hot topic nanti:)
sure meriah kan..
sekali setahun melaram & meng'gila'..
Of course..they are all humans! Realistic, clever and down-to-earth..
a very jolly lot!
these lots of educators are happy bunch without them sunyi sepi sekolah besar ngan naib guru besar pun very sporting:)
I percaya mereka dr guru2 yg tak faham kehendak anak murid...
mmg jolly lot they are:)
semua orang dress up..kenapa aunty nurse pakai simple aje..not fair!!
gambar aunty nurse masa x-country run kat west coast park...under the hot sun.
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