I managed to get a day leave today as you all know my leave can be taken only during school break but my boss was kind enough to grant today's leave as I need to do marketing etc and being the eldest in the family is no joke - everyone will be visiting me inplace of our parents who had left us and if given a chance I want to be the youngest ... oh oh if any of you siblings reading this entry I am just kidding ok...actually I meant it hahaha
To market to market to buy stuff for cooking for raya but makoi it was crowded and I had to push my way to get things and if you think I am big there are others bigger than me ..... prices of course increase by $2/- for meat and chicken - pandai these sellers kan? I decide not to get chicken today maybe I will buy from the supermart tomorow or back to the market again.I bought all the spices and some veges,prawns,beef and the tofu and tempeh for the sambal goreng.
I was at the vege stall when I saw .......

also bought pineapple tarts from my regular makcik .... she reduces her price for me by a dollar ... sayang makcik:) the last few years I've stopped baking as I don't have the time anymore why bake when you can buy just as nice as mak's but one of my sisters is doing them but so far she is yet to give me a bottle so might as well just buy and be happy:)
Youngest sister Aini left msg at FaceBook that she bought the cake lapis for me from JB and also prawns roll .... thank you Aini for being so thoughtful.

Dear cikmilah actually posted to me some kuih raya all the way from Penang but unlikely I will get them before raya as she only send them out on Tuesday but nevertheless she has been so kind knowing I don't bake any and she is sending them all the way ..... thank you so much Milah you are so kind and from what she told me its about 5 different types of kuih raya ... I am so lucky.
The stall that sell grated coconut was impossible for me to buy by looking at the queque so I went into the supermart and bought kara grated coconut but unfortunately only 2 packs left and this afternoon for an hour I had to stand infront of the stove to fry them to make serunding to go with lontong.

the serunding compared to last year is half the protion I did .... not that I don't want to do more blame the supermart they ran out of it.
Today has been rain - sun and rain again .... hopefully tomorrow it will stay sunny as I have errands to do ..... aiyo why lah everytime comes raya I have to do lots of running around? Maybe next year I go on holiday and no worries about all this.... but then will raya fall during school break?
Watch this space my rojak buah coming ................

Once again Selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin.
To market to market to buy stuff for cooking for raya but makoi it was crowded and I had to push my way to get things and if you think I am big there are others bigger than me ..... prices of course increase by $2/- for meat and chicken - pandai these sellers kan? I decide not to get chicken today maybe I will buy from the supermart tomorow or back to the market again.I bought all the spices and some veges,prawns,beef and the tofu and tempeh for the sambal goreng.
I was at the vege stall when I saw .......
this jambu .... my mouth start to water thinking of doing rojak :)been looking for it for sometimes....so for tonite it will be fruits rojak and I forgot to get pineapple but can do without it.
I bought this spicy muruku .... syiok ah?wish I can eat them now whilst typing this entry ..... hep!don't think of food can or not?

also bought pineapple tarts from my regular makcik .... she reduces her price for me by a dollar ... sayang makcik:) the last few years I've stopped baking as I don't have the time anymore why bake when you can buy just as nice as mak's but one of my sisters is doing them but so far she is yet to give me a bottle so might as well just buy and be happy:)
Youngest sister Aini left msg at FaceBook that she bought the cake lapis for me from JB and also prawns roll .... thank you Aini for being so thoughtful.

Whatever you call the above cookies was made by my sis in law Saba and she gave me a bottle of that ... and I had one last night it was yummy and looks like I may have another tonite ...... hehehe .....
Dear cikmilah actually posted to me some kuih raya all the way from Penang but unlikely I will get them before raya as she only send them out on Tuesday but nevertheless she has been so kind knowing I don't bake any and she is sending them all the way ..... thank you so much Milah you are so kind and from what she told me its about 5 different types of kuih raya ... I am so lucky.
The stall that sell grated coconut was impossible for me to buy by looking at the queque so I went into the supermart and bought kara grated coconut but unfortunately only 2 packs left and this afternoon for an hour I had to stand infront of the stove to fry them to make serunding to go with lontong.

the serunding compared to last year is half the protion I did .... not that I don't want to do more blame the supermart they ran out of it.
Today has been rain - sun and rain again .... hopefully tomorrow it will stay sunny as I have errands to do ..... aiyo why lah everytime comes raya I have to do lots of running around? Maybe next year I go on holiday and no worries about all this.... but then will raya fall during school break?
Watch this space my rojak buah coming ................

Once again Selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin.
kak elle, selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin. Have a good time with your siblings and tell us all about it.
Selamat hari raya to you AG and all of sayang mama.
Will try and to some write up re siblings visit etc...now adays getting too lazy:)
salam kak elle..selamat hari raya..maaf zahir batin..semuga perkenalan di alam cyber akan menjadi realiti di satu hari nanti.kalau turun ke kay ell bagitaulah ina ye..teringin nak jumpa kak elle..
byk jugak ek biskut untuk raya..
insya'allah kalau ke KL kita calling2 ok?
yayyyy.. this is the spirit I want you to have for the coming raya.. dam dam dumm.. bunyi mercunn...hehehe...happy cooking ya kak.
Regret that goodies wil be delivered to you only after 24th Sept.
Sorry for the delay tapi kan tak sengaja, Mmg plan nak post earlier tapi busy attending to my 3 sick children...
nak ke pasar yg malas sekali nak berlaga ngan makcik2 tu...haha
no problem kuih raya sampai nanti nampak nya staff kat sekolah punya rezeki lah kita makan ramai2...most impt you masih ingat kat kakak yg jauh ni.
salam dan selamat hariraya kak elle.
buah jambu itu nampak memang manis dan juicy juicy gitu...pastisedap rojak buah nanti!
maaf zahir batin jika ada tersalah dan tersilap.
kalau dah jambu mmg lah jambu bak kata org singapore 'jambu sey'...hahaa
Selamat hari raya to you and family.
Kak Elle,
Time raya or chinese new year, everything got a little expensive... Ini jam lah orang nak bikin a little more profit.
Itu jambu air looks so good. Eh, rojak kalau tak ada pineapple, kurang sedap sikit... Kalau ada mempelam/mangga, laaaaagi sedap.
Now I'm drooling for some rojak buah...
I guess its norm every festive season pp will jack up their price:(
SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN - dari nong sekeluarga...
take care kak...
selamat hari raya juga untuk nong and family:)
salam eid ul fitri maaf zahir batin...apa juadah istimewa?
salam dan selamat hari lebaran...juadah hmmm biasa lah raya di sini lontong.
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