Garpy is now my sayang mama .... here he is posing on his master's bed which is also his bed:) kah kah kah
I was never a fan of cats or any other furry animals - don't hate but just that eeks feeling and I wouldn't even want to touch them until I met sayang mama....

oh my look at that flabby tummy ... hmm but sexy rite?
One night after having dinner with the guys and playing with garpy upon reaching home my mind was thinking of him and I know how close he is with C or vice versa ... can I break their love by adopting him?.... sitting alone in my room I decide to jot this down .... straight from my heart .....
To sayang mamaNever in a million years
I dream of you
Sayang mama has changed me
If touching you was yucks before
that was yesterday
As today a new horizon develope
Seeing you for first time
Makes me want to touch you
Why??? I have no answer
My hope is …..
we'll get along fine...
I know you belong to him
I'm not yours...but my love for you will not change
you're all mine in my heart .. darling Garpy.No matter I hope one day I will find another like him that has the same fatal attraction . 'love at first sight'... should sayang mama be mine one day can C accept the separation?
So for now I will love him from afar and if he is mine he will be mine.
Nothing much to write today and just as a reminder raya is 3 days away and I am still not prepared .... aiyo why huh?
Selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin.