Well since it falls on a saturday that means both teratai and myself won't be celebrating it but we both wish each other before we left for home just now.

If we work in hospital we definately get wishes from patients like above .... hehehe ......
Have a nice weekend and till my next entry .............
happy, happy, happy, always.
thank you..thank you...thank you
Wah ada hari jururawat.. selamat hari jururawat kak elle, semuga terus berkhidmat merawat pesakit ya
happy nurses day..
mesti bes kalau dirawat oleh auntie..hehe
eh nurses day also got international one u know....hahaha but Sg is on 1st August....
thank you meh lah aunty jaga kalau sakit:)
Happy Nurses Day to you Kak Elle. How are you gonna celebrate this special day..?? Jangan asyik dok umah aje babe... Boring kang... Hehe.
selamat hari misi.. semuga terus ceria cergas dan memberi perkhidmatan terbaik utk anak anak di sekolah tu..
I will be home watching my korean dramas...haha
terima kasih zino mmg tugas menjaga pesakit jadi kena lah membuat nya kan?
happy nurses day auntie!!!
Happy nurses day.... next time boleh sambut nurses day sekali dengan birthday sofie ..hihi.
Happy Nurses Day Kak Elle!! sumbangan nurses in the healthcare industry is crucial kan.. ubat kadang2 cure.. nurses pun most of the time do.. dengan senyuman mesra tu.. terus baik, tak yah makan ubat hehee..
thank you:)
bukan sahja b'day Sofie tapi Adriana juga...ni kira2 3 in 1 lah
betul tu...yg membaik kan pesakit yelah nurses doctor cuma beri arahan tapi nurses yg membuat nya semua tampa nurses hospital bolih tutup tau....hahaha
Selamat Hari Jururawat Kak...semoga akak sentiasa berkhidmat dengan penuh dedikasi...
terima kasih tak lama lagi nak pencen...hehe
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