Their 2nd day in Singapore for these 2 girls and where did they go? to Sentosa of course and they spent the whole day there plenty to do and see .....
I got home at 5.30pm today as its my turn to leave at 5pm since the girls were not home yet I managed to catch half anhour of my korean movie .... hehehe ....
They were surprise to see me home when they got back at 6 plus ....

I got home at 5.30pm today as its my turn to leave at 5pm since the girls were not home yet I managed to catch half anhour of my korean movie .... hehehe ....
They were surprise to see me home when they got back at 6 plus ....
Maya undecided which to eat first ... hmmm.... banana or chicken?......
Tak jeles pun, mama pun pusing2 Kerteh naik KIA tour hari ni... hehehehe.
sofie & princess
kacau kak elle tu habis2an...
betul ke mama kat ganu tu tak jeles ya hehe
tak jeles ye? hmm....dlm hati kita tak tau tu...haha
ni yg dikatakan posing habis2an.
nilah yang buatkan ummi nak turn back the clock.. nak jadi muda balik heheheh
bisa di atur ..meh lah dtg sini kita jadi zaman muda2 dulu enjoyyyyyyyyyy:)
i pun nak datang Singapore makan nasi lemak kak elle yang sedap tu la... :-))
alamak! nasik lemak tu buat perut neeza lapar la...
meh dtg dgn ummi kita makan nasi lemak sinag malam...hehe
jom join sekali:)
sya nie silent reader akak.. blh dptkan mail add cz nk tnyer something la...
sorry,tertinggal my mail add
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