Initially they are suppose to fecth me halfway for our dinner appt @ Cili Padi Nyonya Restaurant but in the morning J ask me over to their new place and I told him I will decide later.
Anyway since I have nothing on I make the trip to their place around 2plus and before that I went to get a birthday cake and some puff pastry to bring along since its also J's birthday too.

My 3 heroes remember in my past entries I wrote about shoulders to lean on well those photos were taken 10 yrs ago and here they are 10 years later and hehehe see how much we have aged.
In the picture you can see J sitting with C and B standing.
We hugged each other as it has been sometimes we get together again ... feel so wanted with them around .... hahaha .....

This is Garpy above ... there are 4 cats in this house ... C loves animals and he goes round and house stray cats into the cattery .....

This is Garpy above ... there are 4 cats in this house ... C loves animals and he goes round and house stray cats into the cattery .....
Garpy is the youngest in the house and he is adorable ... C ask me if I want to keep Garpy?I still have phobia with cats ... but somehow tonite I was able to touch him and scratch him and even carried him .... think we have fatal attraction....hahahaha
What do you think should I?
When B arrived we proceed to our dinner @ Cili Padi - a buffet at the University of Singapore....the food was ok and the restaurant was full house...but I won't come again if I can help it unless someone give a treat.

till my next entry ....
Keep him! Keep him! (I mean Garpy, of course). I can almost imagine him purring in your arms, Kak Elle.
Glad you had fun, Kak Elle. I'm sure true friendships are hard to fine.
don't mind keeping all of them too....hahahaha
yes it was nice having good friends around its just like good old days:)
Kalau tanya I, memang kata tak nak pada Garpy tu sebab I memang takut kucing, tapi nampak macam Garpy tu mesra dengan akak ,ok kot cuba bela Garpy tu:)
saya pun mmg geli ngan kucing tapi ntah kenapa smlm tu berani nak manja2 pulak...haha
salam Kak Elle.. neeza dah ada di saudi after a long but express vacation.. tak tahulah apa maknanya hehehee...
kiranya kak Elle okay jugak dengan kucing ya.. kalau neeza, nak pegang pun rasa geli.. ;)
tak sampai ke sg ye?
ntah mimpi apa smlm sanggup bermain dgn si garpy..mungkin ada hikmah sebalik nya:)
garpy tu pun nampak manja dengan kak elle.. boleh le di bela terus..
seronok dapat jumpa kawan lama..
Keep Garpy kak.. at least you have someone to blame if anything goes wrong at home... hahaha..
So adorable kucing tu .. gemokssss macam garfield.
ooooo... comelnya garpy tu...
ermm tapi ummi tak berapa suka kuching.. tak tau kenapa ..
nakl jaga tu bolih tapi kena ada safety juga di rumah..tingkap2 kena pasang jaring takut dia lompat terus terus terjatuh...
nama suppose to be Garfield tapi di tukar ke Garpy..masa C jumpa garpy telinga nya di gunting olih seseorang..
kena fikir 2-3 kali kalau nak pelihara garpy takut pulak C rindu kat dia pasal garpy is the baby kat rumah tu...kelakar bila C ask him to come to me ...'go to mummy'...haha
comelnya garpy tu...betul juga tu...ada jugak kawan kak elle. Tapi klu jenis yang malas nak jaga kucing macam mokcik ni kena fikir dua tiga kali juga nak jaga dia tu..
nampak cantik restoran chili padi tu...sedap ker makanannya kak?
garpy mmg cerdik dan cantik:)
cili padi mlm tu makanan nya tak begitu hebat lah kira2 nya...tapi pasal ada promotion ok lah dgn harga nya. mmg geli ngan meow-moew.if u think garpy can be ur companion n u can handle cat...why not cuba2.
aiyo pun mmg geli nak pegang tapi hari tu ntah kenapa berani pulak...haha
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