dark chocolate is my favourite so I guess he knows what to buy to fatten me up ... hahaha ....
Whilst he was in Canada he managed to go on tha Alaskan Cruise too and from there he bought for me fridge magnets - the gifts to some may not be what to expect but to me its the thought that counts.

Look at Garpy I think he is lap cat love to be cuddled ... but makoi he is too fat and heavy ......
ok sad news is I won't be looking after him as I think C is going to miss him if he comes to me so I compromise and instead will play with Garpy when I visit them which I think will be quite often now ..... and C suggest getting another he has a few waiting for adoption but I rather not as I may not love it as much as I like Garpy... if you are a cat lover like him you can view here for pictures of meow-meow ....
Looks like my meditation is over now so will be blogging quite often:)
Talking about chocolate, teringat kat cikmilah tokeh cocholate yang saya belum pernah order lagi sebab rasa takut makan banyak cokolat macam dulu , anyhow, chocolate memang sedap tak kira dark ke white ke, memang yummyyy :)
rina ...
nak tunggu chocolate arab skg...hahaha
oooh i love dark chocolates!
btw, thought of emailing you before i went to s'pore last week tapi takut tak boleh commit time. and true enough..i didnt have the time to walk about or enjoy the sun :(
maybe next time, insyaAllah...
who doesn't like chocs esp dark ones...haha
yes u should have inform me maybe I can see you at your hotel.
tiba tiba teringat
stok cadbury masih ada lagi ....
lama simpan...hehe
Kak Elle,
Having a cat at home is like having a kid. Whenever you are away for holiday and such, you will have to find someone to babysit the cat... or send him to cat's hotel.. So mafan oooo...
I will send him to C to take care ... hahaha thats what he suggests:)
uhuk.. uhukk.. tersedak la Rina!hehe.
Cantik chocolate wrapper tu kak,classy..
Back to daily blogging, tungguuu.. next.. what's cookin'!!
daily b;logging belum pasti kalau FB every 5 minutes bolih...hehe
princesses dah arrived tadi spoke to Princess Sofie..mlm karang baru jumpa...
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