Friday, July 24, 2009

Their last night

Yes its Sofie and Maya last night with me even though we only spend the evening together I am getting use to having them to chat with me and having dinner with....comes tomorrow night I am back to square one again - lonely nights.

Initially I am to bring them to IMM and jln2 at Daiso then followed by dinner at Bagus food court but Sofie wasn't feeling well so Maya and me took a walk at my neighbourhood and showed her what the neighbourhood have to offer.

I bought chicken rice for everyone ....

Maya bought the above rojak buah .....
When we passed by the book shop I bought Aisya Sofea novels ....

then I saw 'Far Away' without realising that its the translation of her novel 'Jauh' in english ..... uwahhhhhhhhhh but never mind still can read it.
The girls will be leaving early tomorrow so I'd better sleep early too.
Have a nice weekend everyone and wanmommy Iam passing back your princesses back to you.
till my next entry


silversarina said...

Jutaan terimakasih kerana sudi menerima anak2 saya bermalam di rumah akak . Kalau ada tersinggung dengan kata2 atau perbuatan mereka saya sebagai mak menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf dari akak.

Semoga pertemuan singkat ini akan mengekalkan hubungan sesama kita InsyaAllah.

( lama tak buat ucapan, so ni kira baca macam baca ucapan tau..hihi )

Kak Elle said...


you have brought up your daughters well:)berbudi bahasa Sofie and Maya kalau lah semua anak2 muda mcm mereka aman mak bapak..

sebagai mana I told them they are welcome to come again and stay at my pigeon hole anytime and whenever.

kedatangan mereka saya terima dgn tangan terbuka dan tadi masa bersalaman sebelum mereka ke airport saya dah pesan semoga mereka 'keep in touch'..

Neeza Shahril said...

dah balik rupanya sofie and maya. Kejap aje vacation diorang. Mungkin akan ke tempat lain lepas ni agaknya.

Anak2 Kak Rina memang bersopan dari yang kecik sampailah yang besar... rasa seronok bila jumpa diorang baru-baru ni..

Kak Elle said...


aha mereka dah ke KL dan akan pulang ke Kemaman bersama ayah mereka yg akan tiba esok.

anak2 kalau dr kecik di besar kan dgn sopan santun insya'allah senang mak bapak.