I am on 2 days medical leave due to above actually I had the pain since tuesday but ignored it until yesterday the pain doesn't seem want to go away and it was worst in the evening that I can't even turn when I am sleeping to one side.
This morning when I woke up I can't even put my gear on so had to limp to the wash room ..... call in sick and went to see the doctor when the pain was less after taking my painkiller.I was diagnosed with achilles tendonitis ..... my tendon at back of leg is inflammed ....need rest and anti inflmmatary medicines along with pain killer.
I also will have to do my own physio to help ease the swelling .... and due to this my kitchen is closed .... hahaha....
Tonite prob will eat nestum again along with banana and hope by tomorrow the pain will be less.
Anyone has korean new dramas to loan me since I can't walk to buy them .... hehehe
The weekend is coming soon oh how fast the time flyyyyyyyyyyy
take a rest ek sis...jgn lasak2 k..wahh sakan lah dia berdating ngan korean bfs dia..hehe.
Ouch....kasi kaki tu rehat ya...get well soon.
nak cari bf baru tapi nak pergi tak leh jln jauh....
nanti kena juga cari that tendon support kat pharmacy..ankle guard not effective..
kak elle
rehat kan badan dan kaki..semuga cepat sembuh ya....
Syian akak ku ini...tak a rest kak...jgn bergerak banyak2...tak kisahlah makan aper pun asalkan berkhasiat dan sedap....
Take care...
Kak Elle,
Get well soon... Ni mesti kes banyak berjalan... and been working too hard lately...
salam...aunty banyak berehat yea...speedy recovery k
dah banyak rehat ni tak lain atas katil layan cerita korea...hehe
virus M berlanjutan asal lepak aje...haha
thanks my dear.
salam kembali dan TQ:)
auntie nurse, please nurse your self so you heal fast :)
take care...
Kak elle...take care ya..bawa2 berehat sambil tengok tengok korean drama ye..have a nice weekend kak
yes I am nursing myself ... and pain is less now.
byk berehat ni online...haha
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