Here are some of Will latest picture he will be 2 today so its HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST WILL ..... we love you.

Last night Dr Adah came to visit bringing dinner for me ... laksa for herself and fish slice soup for me and fried carrot cake.She says she has been thinking of me since last week and after reading my blog she finds something not rite .... hahaha....she called and I told her I am ok but insist on coming and ask what I want to eat?.... doc you are one in million even my own siblings won't bother :( ....thank you doc adah for being there too.
Happy weekend :)
Will is indeed a "Prince Charming " , geramnya..Happy Birthday Will !!
Dinner dengan doctor mesti lepas tu sihat terus akak.
Happy weekend !!
kejap dah 2 tahun kan Will...
Dinner yg tak di sangka alhamdulillah byk yg kami bualkan.
Happy Birthday Will..cutenye!!
Doc Adah is so're a lucky gal!
rezeki kan and to have friends all round:)
no worries sista...a special person like mesti ada yg kisah dan rindu pdmu.takde pic ke dinner itew..hehe.
wahh..Will looks bigger than his age..,cuteeee!eppy bday,boy!
the food bila dah mula makan baru teringat than adah saya tak payah...hahaa
yes Will is big for his age:)
handsome la itu Will....and camera friendly pulak tu..
suka tengok senyuman dia kan?
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