The 2 princesses from Kemaman Ganu arrived this morning by Air Asia landing at Changi Airport and since I can't take leave to see to them they have to be on their own till I get home.The 2 girls went to Suntec City from the airport - I am really sorry ya that I am unable to meet both of you.
Maya sms me at 6.15pm to say that they are already at my place downstairs ... too tired nak jalan2 lagi and anyway I was already on my way home.

The 2 princesses both busy online ... haha ... luckily there are 3 laptops at home so each of us has one each to surf.I woke up early and cook curry chicken and rice before going to work so by time I got home I just need to fry the vege and fry bergedil for our dinner.
They brought with them gifts ......
From wanmommy .... thank you very much ... magnets dah kat fridge lupa nak amek gambar.

From Neeza in Saudi .... thank you to you too :)

From Sofie a box of chocolates.

Ni best of all socks of Bae Yong Joon ..... woohoo rocks man:)

and of course cosmetic pouch of BYJ ..... I love Yong Joon .......... hahaha
Tomorrow the girls plan to go to Sentosa for the day and I hope it won't rain and anyway have given them a small umbrella to bring with them.
Good night.
ish ish tak boleh jadi ni.. nak komen sini jugak.. as i said in fb.. tanya kat maya... yang itu itu ada tak hahahaha.. sensored tau kak elle..
Wow, bestnya dapat hadiah from Saudi... Jealous Cath... Hehe.
Amboi, suka sangatlah tu memasing ada laptop nak beronline.
Thanks ye akak sebab sudi terima anak2 dara saya tu bertandang di rumah akak yang memang amat convenient untuk bergerak ke mana saja .
celah sikit...ummi,
itu itu tu apa, ini ini nak tau jugak...hehehe.
itu itu tu I tau lah tapi kena tanya maya sendiri...haha
kena minta from Neeza...
budak2 no problem dah besar pandai jaga diri...
hmm...ummi tu kan ada2 aje rina...sebetul nya dia jeles tu kot..hahaha
kak elle,
yes yes.. ummi jealous big time and publicly.. hahaha...
minta lalu kak elle,
kak rina,
yang itu-itu we talk in FB lah kut hahaha. sure tiap2 malam tidur pakai sock baru tu...really cool!! ada jugak jual ya...
yg itu itu kalau ada my size I nak yg g-string...hahaha
woohoo best best tak dpt orang nya socks pun jadi lah...hehe
Wah kak...socks tu cute banget...nak satu hehehe
ada puteri2 dari kayangan yea...
oh mokcik kalau bagi u satu i dapat sebelah je lah...
aha putri2 dr istana kemaman:)
hahaha..ini ini itu itu kasi cikMilah gelak besar lah...
Have fun girls...
milah nak yg itu-itu ke ini-ini?nanti next bloggers meeting bolih pakai...hahaha
wow wow... cantik itu socks..
alamak.. malu la kak.. kecik aje.. hopefully you like it..
princesses dah sampai.. esok trip jalan2 ke?
socks cantik mcm yg pakai kan?...hahaha
terima kasih banyak2 dah byk tu neeza bagi.
princesses dah besar panjang lagi pun belajar luar negri pandai lah mereka jln2 sendiri.
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