I had a lazy sunday today did nothing just stay in bed watching tv and korean drama .... and best part I cook 'asam rebus fish' but when I was having it for lunch realised I forgot the asam .... adoiiiiii ..... hehehe
My sis Ram sms asking if I want to visit my aunt who just had a surgery done few days ago so come 3.30pm I got ready and off to Cedargrove till 5.30pm.
Came home and did my ironing - the job I hated most but if I don't iron my uniform then I will have to do it early in the morning.
Now here I am online making entries here and at FB.....
Come tomorrow no more going to work early by an hour and a half as we stop doing the temperature taking since Influenza A is already at its peak.So any students with ILI(influenza like illness) I will send them home to see doctor.
A home owner face eviction for having cats in her HDB flat ....
read here .... do help and sign the petition.

Garpy at home ....
till my next entry......
What?? Bela kucing pun kena eviction? Drat!
Lazy Sunday lah best!
hai....kenapa tak boleh bela kucing? So cat-ist!
kita yg tinggal HDB flat ada byk do's and don't..mungkin byk sgt kucing yg di pelihara membuat neighbours marah ye lah kalau kucing membiak dan tak terjaga buat bising orang2 sebelah geram kan so buat aduan kat town council.
Brmalas-malas ye tapi siap masak2 lagi tu, memang best hujung minggu... kami ni hujung minggu kalau tak merayap rasa 'gatal ' je kaki..hehehe.
kerena terlalu malas ler tu sampai masak asam rebus terlupa asam nya...hahaha
cuaca panas saya malas nak merayap skg..
Bila la nak dapat lazy Sunday macam akak? jealous tau!!!
Masak asam rebus tak letak asam? hihihi.. rasanya macamana kak?
kalau nak every sunday saya bolih buat lazy sunday asal takde yg mengacau...hehe
tu lah asam rebus tampa asam tapi raya ok juga:)
masa neeza belajar dulu, neeza pernah bela kucing. sorok sorok sebab memang tak boleh pun. sekali kucing tu keluar dari bilik and main2 kat tingkap.. nampak pulak dek landlord.. terus neeza dapat surat saman.. huhuuuu...
masa tu bela je kucing tu.. takdelah neeza belai2 dia.. hehee..
ni dengar2 kucing pun tak bolih pelihara dlm flat tapi belum pasti lagi.
oohh happy belated nurses day..!!!! kucing comel tapi saya geliiiii kak elle..
seronoknye bermalasan...banyak lagi ke stock citer korea? hihi...
kalau nak ikut kan saya pun geli tau tapi hari tu berani pulak mendokong nya...hahaha
mmg best bermalasan kan?nasib baik duduk sorang bolih buat apa suka...hehe
korean dvd ada lagi yg belum tengok kalau yg suka tu bolih ulang2 seronok:)
Aiyoyo Kak Elle, camner boleh masak asam rebus and forgot to add asam pulak tu...
Ini mesti masih sakit rindu ni... Hehehe.
hahaha....really forgot abt it until I had it for lunch:)sakit rinduuuuuuuuuuuu
Kak Elle,
I wish Sunday is a lazy day for me too... Tapi very often mesti ada jer kerja nak di buat...
U take care ye...
saya sorang nak lepak satu hari pun bolih:)
Cutenya Garpy! :)
Masak asam x letak asam?
Tapi kalau lapar, semuanya sedap kan?
tu lah pasal bolih terlupa..tapi rasa ok kot..hehe
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