I was busy doing the attendance entry for the day as Liza was on leave and Ros had to man the reception.
For lunch I had satay with ketupat really very kenyang and by 3pm I was feeling sleepy then they want us to go upstairs and have tea with the milk-fund donation ceremony...aiyo was too lazy and my boss came down with a plateful of fingers food.

Look at Clarice she sprained her ankle yesterday soon after the concert so had to bandage her rt foot and loan her the hand clutch.
I was busy today preparing for an early dinner as my buddies came and their special request - want to eat lontong.......macam nak raya pulak.
We had great times and J gave me cd where he compiles pictures during our stay in New Zealand .... well 10 yrs ago we have no digi cameras so he's kind enough to scan the pictures.

My buddies C and J and B ..... we sat for 3.5 hrs chatting and eating and watch the video of our stay @ Auckland. Thank you guys for the company and I really enjoyed having you all.
till my next entry.....
Nothing beats an evening with good friends, kan? :)
sedapnya lontong.. baru teringat neeza ada beli ketupat segera balik baru ni.. nak rebus terus or nak tunggu raya..
hmmmm.. raya lah kot hehee..
yes indeed nothing beats good company:)
mereka dah lama tak rasa masakan saya bab tu C request lontong dan bergedil tu saya buat sendiri sebab dia punya feberet dan ingatkan jgn lupoa letak biji pala lagi.
yummy,lontong tu nampak so sedap
nak makan meh lah dtg sini ok?
kak elle,
lontong n sambal telur tuh nampak menyelerakan....
nampak je berselera tapi rasa lom tau lagi kan...haha
I'm sure they missed your food very much and the 3.5 hrs chat pun tak cukup to recall all the memories kan..
now u know why they ask for lontong kan?dah makan dapat tapau lagi for breakfast tau...hahaha
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