I remembered last time when grease was shown here all the boys sampai terbawak cara John Travolta walk and everyone seem to be carrying a comb in their pocket....
Well I hope to enjoy the musical this friday and it will bring back old memories of my era....
Since fasting I've been eating alone and I guess this is what life is going to be like now ... I did tell C yesterday that it kinds of lonely this year round unlike previous years my sisters if not 1 at least the other will be at my place esp the weekend.On sunday I cooked 1kg of black pepper beef and I think it will last me till next week.
C sms this morning and invite me to break fast with him on saturday - he may not be fasting but at least he is there to have his dinner with me and of course with J and B too.
I will probably cook 2 dishes to bring over so that J won't have to cook too many himself .....
I change my roster with teratai for this ramadhan month so at least I can knock off at 5pm and buy something on the way back but today I fried kway teow and it was yummy and have leftovers so along with the beef it will be dinner for few days plus the pindang fish.
till my next entry.........
What would we do without friends, kan Kak Elle? :)
yes friends are forever:)these are the kind of friends we looking for who's with us in time of sadness and happiness.
Grease... I tengok kat cinema sampai 9 kali tau ( mak taktau, I pegi dengan my 2nd sister ).Memang minat sangat , hafal lagunya dan tariannya.
salam..kesiannya..jom we break fast togather...i dont like buka puasa sorang....all the food rasa tasteless plak
Kak Elle,
Seronok kan kalau berbuka with friends... dari makan sorang sorang. Say hi to C, B and J for me. Kata ada kawan from Richmond VA that visited you early this year says hello. Hehe!
mak oi sampai 9 kali ni kalau suruh menari mesti hebat:)
jom we iftar bersama tapi jauh sangat pulak nak terbang ke Perth tu...
ok will let them know u send regards...hehe
ya to eat with someone is pretty nice rite?
salam kak elle
hope 2day will be a joyful day buat kak elle
2nd day?? hari ni dah 5 days kan?
kak elle, i looooooove grease the movie. i missed the musical when they were in KL few years back. I am sure it will be fun. Infact, on my birthday a few years back, my sister baought me a 25th anniversary version of grease dvd :)
selamat berbuka, takpe kalau sorang-sorang pun...berkat :)
salam dan selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan al mubarak...
dulu masa sekolah memang suka tenguk cerita grease ni..lagu dia pun best..
kesiannya kak elle buka sorang2... mai sini la.. kami pun 4 orang je.. firefly direct sg to kuantan tau.. i can fetch u..
I can imagine I will be tapping my feet on friday night...hahaha
kak ina kl...
mmg kita semua minat dgn grease dulu tapi budak2 skg cuma kenal high school musical aje kan?
dah biasa dah skg mulan cuma terasa pulak hari pertama dan kedua tu...takpe ada juga teman yg sudi ajak makan sama sabtu ni:)
Kak elle,
kita sekapal..bersahur and berbuka sorang2..kawan balik kampung huhuhu
grease...i likeee...
apa nak buatkan terpaksa sorang2..
tak amek cuti ke nak raya ni?
kak elle, i memang suka Grease and i have been to see the musical di West end - tiga kali dah agaknya. enjoy it.
I too watched the movies god knows how many times....
the musical is performed by the students and staff of the school and hope to have a blast time.
kak elle
2day maknanya TODAY
Kak...itulah gunanya kawankan kak...Alhamdulillah ada jugak yang dpt menemankan akak bila terasa sunyi...
pB ...
ok ok
sahabat sejati susah nak dapat kan?
alhamdulillah ada juga yg masih ingat:)
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