For the first time yesterday I had company during iftar with my friends at their place all of them were once in New Zealand with me.
I feel safe at their place as they don't eat you know what lah kan ... one is vegetaraian so no meat at home.J fried mee with tofu and vege whilst I brought bergedil and sambal goreng with vegetarian prawns.
Peter who was longest stayed in NZ (4 yrs)finally came home to Singapore but am going back next year too from what he plans last night.J will also be going with another friend length of stay unknown....C will take his holiday when J is settled in Auckland and last night we were talking maybe we all should be there together whilst some stay for good and some of us on holiday!!! huh?NZ again? takmo lah nak pergi lain tempat pulak .... hehehe...

10 years ago 1999 when we were in Auckland having dinner at Sentosa Restaurant .....
10 years later 2009 having berbuka puasa @ Bedok last night home cooked meals ..... from the picture as you can see Peter has lost 7 kg and he wants to go even lower .... told him not to as he will look terrible .... hahaha .... sebetul nya saya jeles.....
Garpy as usual was centre of attention and Peter was shocked when he found out that Garpy may stay with me!!Peter said I can't take Garpy as C will miss him so I jokingly said that if garpy go then C has to follow .. buy 1 get 1 free ..... hahahaha ........
C took some pictures of me with garpy and I put them up in a movie .......
To have a cat in a house I have lots to do for his safety .... I will have to do netting of the windows and my gate need some alterations.Cat litter ,cats food etc all have to be planned esp if he is sick the vet and all.
So at the moment I am sharing Garpy's love .... and to have garpy means I have to share my bed with him too (he sleeps on the bed with C ..... oh no!He sleeps on the bed and others can't or he will chase them away..... jahattttttttt.but he makes good companion.
till my next entry.........
kak elle, tajin betul buat video Garpy! and he is so cute. Tabby pun garang juga...I tak boleh dekat dengan AG kalau dia ada. Sungguh possessive.
Laa , dah nak melekat kat Garpy dah tu , tido sekatil , kalau saya alamatnya menjeritlah bila bergesel bulu..hehehe.
Kak Teh...
nothing to do all day boring sangat so I did a movie out of the photos:)Garpy I don't know musuh sgt ngan si chinky habis di kerjakan now he owns the bed...
hati saya hanya terbuka pada si garpy yg lain2 tu tak sangat nak main ngan dia orang except for mini suka mengesel bila I duduk sebelah dia...haha
Kak elle,
Sudah nampak sikit kurus la...ada turun ker ini posser :)
mungkin puasa kurus sikit je...atau pun baju hitam nampak kecik sikit...haha
kat rumah selalu kucing datang
ada yang suka melayan ...
kucing tak mcm angin melalak siang mlm kan?
wah kak elle sudah ada kekasih hati dah yea...
haha kekasih hati dua makna tu..
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