125 of the our year 5 students went to the above place for a 2days 1 nite camp - an orientation on extended essays and economics studies to prepare themselves for the 2010 exam.Its the IB Residential camp organise by the school.
I was called to go to the camp at 2pm as 1 of the students was taken ill with high fever last nite and with the flu like symptoms.He was seen by the medical centre and sent off and to quarantine himself incase of H1N1.... hopefully its not:) ....
I left school at 2pm and took a cab and the journey itself took an hour .... the students were shocked to see aunty nurse arrival so they were explained why I was there and my task of taking their temperatures begins ..... 124 of them and plus 5 teachers ( ni semua cikgu2 matsalleh plus 1 local teacher).
I join them for tea-break and wow nice yummy finger picking food .... assorted sandwiches,samosa,onion rings and fruit tartlets...not bad huh for a camp and we were served in one of the many halls.It was a half hour break and back to more talks after that ..... I sat and listen to them explaining the nature of their subject which is very interesting.

This is the rooms where the students and teachers attending stayed for the night at the chalet .... I think next time who knows they may include a nurse in attendance ... hahaha .....
I stayed till 4pm and left them to listen to Pat Simmonds economic startegy to aim for good marks in the exam.

Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera with me otherwise there's plenty to snap ... like the above was at the entrance and they also have the wet wet world and more rides.
Ok this is all for now and back to my meditation again.