He has his hideout under the sofa,behind the tv console and corner of the dining area .... yesterday when I couldn't see him in these places I called him and there he was hiding in his playhouse. Yesterday he even came from under the bed in my room when I called for him....I may need to get a collar with bells for him so I can hear him.

When I was mopping the floor told him not to walk about and stay on the chair which to my happiness he did - clever boy!
After he had his nap he did his poo and wee in the litter bin .... I gave him a good wipe using baby's wipe from top to bottom.Maybe this saturday will give him a good wash .... but how ya?first time to bathe a cat......hahaha
He is sleeping under the sofa now and all I can say thanks the almighty that he is adjusted staying with me ... god knows if he is homesick but I don't see any sign of it - he is a happy gooper cat:)
till my next entry..............
woowww... billy baik, dengar kata tu...
Oohh..you sound so happy with Billy..I am so very glad for you!
Semalam Hiro pergi ketip kuku and grooming.Lama dah dia tak buat all those stuff.I heard his kuku was so keras and long.The vet had to sedate him a bit sebab dia garang taknak potong kuku.Hes ok dah pagi ni. Takde groggy2 macam semalam.
kucing dengar kata kalau anak2 cam mana ye?
Billy nya nails nanti I potong kan hari tu my friend dah buatkan.
salam kak elle
i am happy when u r happy
thank you:)
Cats in general tend to hide in new environment. Give him sometime, he will be fine.
u r one lucky mama kak elle for having a goooood n obedient Billy.
he is adjusting very well indeed:)
dtg nya dari DIA juga alhamdulillah:)
Aunty Elle,
Billy looks so well adjusted. We're very happy for you. Here's a big big hug for you.....mmmmwwwahhhh....!
Angelina & Brad
angelina & Brad.....
meow meow and thank you:)
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