This morning I heard him coming to my room at 4am but being a good boy he didn't make any noise except for his bell from his collar.He knows mummy sleeping so didn't call at all and at 5am I took a peep and found him sleeping on my pc table soundly like a baby - the lappie was with me on the bed so he has plenty of room on that table.I snap a picture of him sleeping and the flash woke him up.

I took him and bring him to bed with me and we had that cuddle moment .... yes I even managed to snap pictures of us in sweet moment:)

I bought him a collar with his name tag even though he stays indoor but you never know incase he walks out of the gate and can't the way back.Don't you think he looks so handsome?...hahaha
He loves to sit by the gate watching or waiting for bird-bird to come .......
till my next entry ...........
Aunty Elle,
Billy would love it more if you have a balcony. That's what we do most of the time, perched on the balcony looking at the view. And it's the Sydney skyline we can see from ours. Mama also put the loft bed in the spare bedroom close to the window so that we can also look out from there. We live on top floor so we have very good view of our surrounding.!
Kak Elle,
Billy is so lucky to have your love... He's one cute cat...
Sweeeet sgt pic Billy kat pintu.....pandai dia posing.
Billy's mummy can't afford a pent house so her 4 rooms apartment is good enough for Billy:)
its karma that I get be with Billy now:)
menunggu bulan jatuh keriba...hehehe
he behaves like HP. Cuddly. well come to the cat world. your natural alarm clock.
soon memang menyempil atas katil.. now malu malu kucing.
hahaha tengok berapa lama dia malu2 kucing tu...but he is really adorable.
comel sangat~
yes very cute:)
salam kak elle...wah skrg ni ashik cerita tentang billy yer..untung sungguh si billy tu dpt tuan yang penyayang.
I thought his collar tag looks so cooL! Blue in colour pulak tu! Untung Billy dapat one of the best mummy in the world! = )
nasib baik ada Billy kalau tak rumah akan bersawang nanti:)
at first I was thinking of gold colour tag but then the wordings will be to transparent to read.
thanks for the compliment:)
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