Since its a school holiday the canteen is closed for 6weeks so we the staff who are working have to look for alternative either bring food from home or each of us takes turn to bring.Yesterday was my turn and their request was beehoon goreng .... I woke up early to fried it and by the time I was done .......

Last night again when I was online he sat on the chair next to me and was fast asleep .... poor baby.
Tomorrow Serene his ex mummy and kor kor Aston are coming to visit him ... they too are missing him afterall Billy was with them for 1 yr but due to reason they couldn't keep Billy anymore.......I am glad I decide to adopt Billy because he is a cutie and very adorable.
till my next entry ............
Don't worry abt the weight. it will fast catching up. they are very much like that.
when they fed up and we do our stuffs,didn't get much of our attention they will take a nap. mana mana saja.janji somewhere cosy..
sometime they can sleep on the laptop to get the warmth.
btw you noodle looks and must be taste nice.
Aunty Elle,
No wonder Billy's been putting on weight. His mummy can cook! Yesterady muffins, today noodles, tomorrow? Oh, tomorrow is holiday! So mummy will be at home. Our Mama too, we hope. I want to help her do the laundry (more like sleeping in the laundry basket..teeheehee!).
wow! taking turns to bring food...seminggu dah dapat 5 dishes!
he is very conforatble wherever he is:)hmmm....he pantang see me online he will just sit on the keypad:)
Billy put on weight because he is happy and so far he has been eating only cat food lah...haha
but not everyday ... ada juga yg hanya tumpang semangkok but I tak kisah ... kalau masak I sharte ngan semua orang.
suka lah tengok billy feels at home.. macam anak orang pulak gaya dia... tapi neeza still takleh bela kucing.. nanti anak2 neeza gomol2 cium2..
masa skg lah train anak2 supaya sayang kat binatang...mereka pun dahaga kesayangan dr kita:)
well said abt training the kids for having haiwan belaan.
keybord laptop kan panas. hp jump on the keyboard je pijak kuat 2 habis the screen go haywire.
but they do sleep by leaning their body against the charging computer.
seronok seronok seronok :D
same goes for Billy once he sat on my keypad everything haywire:)
apa yg seronok tu?
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