My very tiny work stn all crammed ina corner but next March I will be getting a bigger sick bay with 8 beds.The admission forms is my no ending datas of students medical etc which I ahve to enter into isam.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Back to work
I am back to work as of yesterday and with sad feeling I had to leave Billy alone at home:( my heart was thinking of him most time - how he is coping and if he is jumping and climbing and most worry was getting himself injured.
I did these blueberry muffins on sunday afternoon - its straight from the pre pack box simple just add water,oil and an purpose was to try if I can use the oven toaster to bake and thank goodness successful:) so next time will do more muffins but of different flavours.

My very tiny work stn all crammed ina corner but next March I will be getting a bigger sick bay with 8 beds.The admission forms is my no ending datas of students medical etc which I ahve to enter into isam.
My very tiny work stn all crammed ina corner but next March I will be getting a bigger sick bay with 8 beds.The admission forms is my no ending datas of students medical etc which I ahve to enter into isam.
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he is exactky like hp when we first got him. eventho the prev owner fed him our meal, it was indeeed our daily meal boiled fresh fish and rice. the fish was boiled whole the like all the white meat fish yg kita masak daily. lucky.. at the beginning he refused to eat thebiscuits after a day over nite. we had to get him a fresh fish... but when we gotten him the fish, he started to eat the biscuit.
after 3 years with us he gained weight. otherwise his face is bigger and wider than his body at that time macam papan kurus slim sekeping. now he body round like a cyclinder.
billy's belang are nice too.. perfect mini tiger.
don't worry cats are good at bawa diri. so when no one is around he wld sleep, boy they can sleep all the time and eat all the time.
woke up to stretchings and drink water if thirsty, and sleep again. by the time you are at the car park at ground floor he already up, lick himself (giving himself a brush and a clean up) bythe time you in the lift he would stand in front of the door meow......;
hahaha good description of his waiitng for mummy to unlock the door:)
Pagi2 masuk umah sis dah dijamu muffin!mana nk cari bakery plak nie...yummy!eh,billy sama beratlah ngan EZ cuma billy bley meow2 n come to u once u call him hihi.
Ah, dah balik kerja sure rindu Billy Boy hari-hari.... Nevermind - weekend nanti extra hugs and kisses.
tulip...meh lah kalau nak makan muffin ..dtg lagi ya esok2 sape tau ada makanan lain pulak...haha
yes lain now balik ada yg menunggu di pintu,cuddle dia kejap -sayang2 pasal kena tinggal...mummy kerja cari $$$
aha.. kan dah kata dulu boleh buat muffin and cupcake denagn oven toaster tu... hmmm... sedap nampaknya...
Billy boleh jadi house guardian pulak..
hehe dulu tak berani mencuba ni dah bolih tolong bagi recipe muffin cheese tu ye:)
now kak elle dah motivated to go home kan.. no more korean movie kot.. dok layah Billy je.. ;)
betul tu dah lama tak tengok korean movie...mmg dgn ada nya Billy semua bertukar:)
Dearest Kak Elle,
Im a silent reader of yrs all dis while and enjoyed reading yr blog!
yr blueberry muffins looked good la, may i know what brand is dat and also when u sd oven toaster, is it toaster yang bakar roti tu??hehehhe..
many thanks eh and salam perkenalan!!
With lurve,
Sarah SIncity.
Aunty Elle,
Did Billy ate the muffin too? We loooove Mama's cakes and muffins. Especially the orange butter one. yummm....Billy must be very very happy now. purrr....meow!
thank you for being my silent reader:)you can lots of brands for these pre pack cakes etc one of them betty crocker....yes oven toaster for toasting bread and brilling your sausages too...senang kan?
unfortunately Billy took a sniff but doesn't like it maybe I should make chcocolate cake ah...haha
Kak...macam terbau2 aje muffin tu...
Besarnya billy...!!
ala muffin tu instant aje lah kan lagi terrer dgn cake orange or cake chocolate....hehhe
smlm timbang dia dah naik lagi 5.4kg....tak lama lagi tak bolih nak ngendong dia..berat!
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