The last few days I had my archilles tendonitis again of my left foot/ankle ... pain was bearable but yesterday morning I couldn't even step on it and had to limp walking to the washroom first thing in the choice I had to call in sick.I saw the doctor and he gave me 3 days medical leave and yesterday afternoon I made a prior arrangement to meet our local writer Mr Isa Kamari because I ordered 2 books by him.
Alhamdulillah after taking my volatren and danzen the pain was less after 5 hrs and managed to see him at City Hall as arranged ... with a bit of limp I took a cab and even managed to browse for a retail therapy .... hahaha

there he is a very humble person and after all that he won't take my $$$ for the books - he said he is glad that I am reading his books:).... thank you Mr Isa god bless you and semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan semasa di tanah suci membuat umrah.

the 2 top books that I wanted and he throws in a bonus for the 3rd book....
after he left I went into Robinson and shop at Mark & Spencer and bought for myself accessories.

and I treated myself with a new Swatch watch with a bigger face - nowadays my eye sight is getting from bad to worst ..... this is not an excuse but I do need a bigger face to see the time.
Now I am home with 3 days MC plus 3 days xmas weekend .... can't go anywhere as Billy need a cat sitter - any volunteers?
bagus nya dapat buku free... jam tu teringat mem dah minta jam baru sejak jam dia rosak hari tu.. hehe
tak tau dia nak bagi free - rezeki saya lah kan?
jgn lupa belikan mem jam tgn tu...hehe
Cantik jam tu....nak jugalah jam baru..huhu
hv a nice rest sis...sian dia,tp sempat lg gi shopping ek,hihi.i like the blue xcessories.
kak elle, take care... kesian nya sakit... tapi boleh shopping lagi tu.. alamak, takleh turun sg la year end ni.. banyak hal.. mau sunat zharif.. almost lupa ada anak jantan sorang..
last watch I beli 5yrs ago .. dapat 2 as birthday present 2-3 yrs ago.
makan ubat sakit kurang and since ada jumpa writer in town tumpang sekaki lah..haha
sempat ke nak sunat tu sekolah dah nak buka kan?
Aunty Elle,
You didn't buy anything new for Billy? hmmmm...naughty mummy, he'll say. purrr....meow!
Billy got a new bigger litter bin...hahaha
auntie...i really like that nice...
He is such a humble and nice writer...ever smiling too...glad you met him. Now can spend the weekend reading with Billy..:-)
kalau suka sgt beli lah...kat sana maybe murah dr sini:)
mmg betul very humble I yg jadi segan bila dia tak nak amek payment...the family buat umrah flying today till 5th Jan 2010...
dapat buku free dapat shopping dan jam baru , bestnya .. ..harap kaki akak dah baik .
alhamdulillah kaki dah baik lepas makan ubat..
free novels tu rezeki...tapi segan jugak lah:)
salam moga aunty cepat sembuh ya..wahhh bestnya shopping sey
Cure of tendon injuries is essentially practical. Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications coupled with Physical Therapy, rest, orthotics or braces, and moderate return to workout is a common therapy.
An acronym used to list the remedial treatments in fixing tendinitis is ìRICEî: Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.
Resting assists in the prevention of further injury to the tendon.
Ice is effective at soothing pain, restricting too much swelling, and stimulating blood circulation after the fact.
Compression and elevation both perform similarly to ice in their ability to restrict excessive, unnecessary inflammation.
Initial recovery is commonly within 2 to 3 days and full recuperation is within 4 to 6 week. Visit my site to learn more about tendonitis treatment
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