We will have a cuddly moment first then only he gets his breakfast and wipes .... he smells nice just like a baby:)
Last night my buddies came so the house was lively with talks and laughter once again ..... CW and J help to mesh the window grille with the leftover of the wire mesh so Billy can have a wider view of the outside world.
CW loves cats so he took lots of Billy's picture and here are some of them ....
I am starting work on monday and Billy will be left alone for a period of at least 10 hrs I wonder what will happen when I come home!!!! but I will close my bedroom door as I don't want him to climb on dressing table and mess it up....hahaha
till my next entry ..............
Meow meow meow meowwww---->dun worry mama,i will behave n perhaps sweep d floor for u when u r out 4 work...hehe....says Billy.
kak elle, you can do a series on Life With Billy.
ah, i just wonder what life was like ewithout cats.
purrr wish he can do all that senang mama balik kerja:)
kak teh...
do you want to do a write in your article on 'Life with Billy'...hahaha
billy semakin femus sekarang ni.. dah jadi macam bintang film hehe
tak lama lagi Billy ke Hollywood:)
Dear Billy,
When Mama is away, don't mope and feel sad. Instead, mop the floor and make her feel glad. har har har...
Aunty Elle, we basically just sleep the day away when Mama is not home. What's a cat supposed to do otherwise? purrr.....meow!
how I wish Billy can mop the floor for me too...yes most likely he will be sleeping as long as I don't come home to a messy house.
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